Reviews for Lopeholt
neeniya chapter 3 . 3/17/2017
I know in the first chapter you said not to read at night. I'd like to add don't read when there's intense music and screaming in the background (aka when someone else is watching a horror movie in the other room)
Jeez I've got some serious chills.
Halo chapter 3 . 12/14/2015
Wait a second... *Narrows eyes suspiciously* How did Jazz get out? Is she possessed too? That's the only way I can envision her getting out of that building short of fighting her way out and just... hnnnnnngh what happens next?
Cartwheellou chapter 3 . 9/14/2014
Im not stupid, i can tell uve got a pattern of updating every halloween, an that u havent updated the past 3 halloweens. U NEED TO UPDATE THIS HALLOWEEN!
Whhhaaaatttt?! You're leaving off there? This hasn't been updated in forever! I can't live with this! I will never catch a good night's sleep ever again!
This is giving me the creeps. Unless they find a way to catch those scary things at the end of this and live through it, I'm not sure I can go to bed tonight.
Omg that was so creepy I had to look up all the haunting stories of Athens!
meladi1 chapter 2 . 7/2/2014
Don't read late at night. Well crap, too late for that. Creeeeeepy
TheOperaticSquirrel chapter 3 . 6/21/2014
The scariest part of this story is not the red eyes, the images in the mirrors, or the freaky sounds, but the question mark. You know, the one at the top that follows "continuing it". Please don't stop the story right here. I really need to know how they get themselves out of this situation. Please please PLEASE update again soon. Your writing in this is just wow. It's like I'm right there along side them. Valerie sees movement in the corner of her eye, the shadows never looked so menacing. A cold hand brushes up against the back of her neck, goose bumps run down my spine. Footsteps sound from the hallway, I jump fifteen feet when my brother walks by. The temperature drops, a sudden chill rakes through my body. Your writing has the ability to affect readers in a way I've never seen before. If you change a few names, make Danny's parents parapsychologists instead, and make Valerie just an eager girl with a taste for the supernatural, I could honestly see this becoming a published novel, one that I would read. So please get rid of that question mark above and make "continuing it" a statement. This is too good to give up on.
TheOperaticSquirrel chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
You are probably one of the best writers when it comes to suspense. I'll admit that I didn't heed your warning at the top. While it may not be late at night, it's freakishly early in the morning. I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep and thought that I'd read a bit. I figured that it wouldn't scare me. I honestly have no idea what would possess me to think so since I don't even read scary books. I think I'm shaking just as hard as Valerie. Right now I'm curled up under my blanket, terrified of the moving shadows in my room and trying not to die of heat stroke since summer isn't the best time to bury your head under a thick quilt. Gosh my hand is still shaking and making typing this quite the task. I want to stop reading but I know I can't.

Don't you just hate how they used to treat mental patients? I almost cried when we reviewed it in history class a couple years ago. "Hollow people just standing in a corner..." Urg!
Kitsu Maxwell chapter 3 . 3/9/2014
Holy shit...
Anjali chapter 3 . 2/9/2014
Nuuuuuuu it's stopped here and it was last updated 2010 and it's a great story and it's incredibly terrifying and when I read a great, terrifying story I have to finish it or else it'll haunt me for a long while but it's been over three years since it's been updated so please please PLEASE update soon or at least soon-ish because it's a great beginning of a story and it's very terrifying and I'm really curious about what all the different types of ghosts are and I'm probably going to focus on that when I think about this story because that's the part of me I reach for when I get frightened by something the interesting facts about how the world works that are able to be detached from emotions like fear and this is a run on but I really don't care I know you'll finish this story eventually because you've stated multiple times before that you never give up on a story but please update this one soon-ish because this is one that will haunt me in the same way that some of Stephen King's scary stories haunt me when I don't finish them...
Guest chapter 3 . 11/16/2013
good scary story but i read it too late at night... now im screwed... oh well i think it was wortb it but i dont get the ending. it did not seem complete enough... overthough it was great

Vitaliciouscreations chapter 3 . 10/20/2013
Yikes, this is scary. I would appreciate it if you continued.
Mera4eva chapter 3 . 10/6/2013
MouseWithADinosaurTail chapter 3 . 10/1/2013
I spent most of this story saying, "Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshith olyshitholyshit!"
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