Reviews for Till The Last Rose Dies
Ellie0803 chapter 45 . 9/30/2019
I have never cried so much while reading a story.
The last chapter broke my heart.
I hoped she would survive the whole time.
Still, the story was beautiful.
Guest chapter 45 . 1/22/2017
naw not my cup of any tea r put in my heart she was dead,so changing will not do any sorry you shudve never written she died ..this story wasn't worth my almost 2 days to read...
theeuniverse chapter 45 . 9/26/2015
Alright, I bawled my eyes out last chapter because honesty who doesn't cry after reading that? This story is good, amazing in fact. If not for some grammar lapses and unnecessary a/n's in the middle of the chapters. Overall, it's a nice sasusaku experience. Although imo, I wish you didn't make a sad ending. It would have worked with the happy ending. The sad was ending was, well, sad. But yeah, thank you for giving us closure. Keep on writing! Especially we all know how canon they are right now.
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 45 . 5/31/2015
AWE! Fantastic! I shall miss this story.
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 44 . 5/31/2015
Oh my gosh! I knew it! But oh my gosh again, she died, and it was a sad but happy ending... and it was so touching! You nearly made me cry, so great job! I teared up a little bit... Throughout the story, it was very nicely written and the plot line was very interesting. I'd give you three and 1/2 stars, if I was ranking it out of 5 stars like a restaurant, but I'm not... so never mind. Great job though! It was amazing!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 43 . 5/30/2015
What? Okay, well that was very interesting. Nicely done!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 42 . 5/30/2015
My gosh, really? I hope that Sasuke lives in the end, though for some reason I have a feeling one character will die... Nicely done though!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 41 . 5/30/2015
WHAT?! No! How the heck... wrong words, why the heck would you do that?! I mean it hasn't happened yet, but still! NO! But great job, it was enticing and drama packed.
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 40 . 5/30/2015
Ah, nice!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 39 . 5/30/2015
Oh wow, that was... what's the word?... Exciting perhaps, but more than that... oh, thrilling! Great job!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 38 . 5/30/2015
EEEKK! As my friend would squeal... but OMG! YAY! I'm so happy he actually found her! This should get even better now. Nicely done!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 37 . 5/29/2015
Awe, that was so sad! The poor thing! Excellent job though, it was very well written.
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 36 . 5/29/2015
Wow, the poor guy, and girl, but mostly guy. Why must Ino seem to ruin everything? I mean seriously, in the anime, fanfictions, and probably the manga, she just ruins things for Sakura. I'm not really complaining, since the chapter was really great! Um, nicely done!
Fluttershy 2059123 chapter 35 . 5/28/2015
NO! Why must you end on such a cliff hanger?! Though it was very good, and I'm not going to mention errors, I just did, sorry, it ended on a bad note, so I must read before I am driven 'insane' with not knowing what is going to happen. Nicely done!
Guest chapter 34 . 5/28/2015
I find it interesting how you say you were originally going to end a chapter in the middle of it then you kept going because you wanted to, and yet the chapters are so long already. It is rather amusing though. Nicely done!
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