Reviews for The Perfect Puzzle Piece
NyanPie chapter 1 . 6/16
At first I thought Wally was the feminist lol because as a feminist myself, I agree with him that a woman should be allowed to wear whatever she wants. The restriction of what a woman should wear reflects the idea that a woman’s body is purely sexual and should be covered up so “men can control themselves” (which also adds to the stereotype that men are sex crazed)

Please Help chapter 7 . 12/28/2019
Why does every boy in this story Kuki seems to have an interest in have a name that could easily be nicknamed Wally? I swear this is just to confuse me. Wallabee, Wallace(the delightful children from down the lane called Wally that in an early episode), Walter.
Idk chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
He isn't a sexist, he just doesn't like "girly" prissy things. He prefers more "masculine" (macho?) things. To be honest I feel the same, I hate prissy "girly" things. I'm not a guy though so you can't say I'm being a sexist guy too.
dancingdeaky chapter 13 . 1/3/2019
I reallyyyyy loved this, i just wish there was a kiss scene for them :/
sksksksk chapter 13 . 11/6/2018
Kagome Higurashi T chapter 13 . 1/24/2017
Waaa where's the kiss :( please more
Kagome Higurashi T chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
Love it
LuLu1002 chapter 13 . 7/22/2015
I loved it
It was awesome to read
GymnasticsRules101 chapter 13 . 6/29/2014
Awwww this is so cute. :)
Jedi Padawan Grayson chapter 13 . 10/4/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
kazorashi chapter 13 . 6/7/2013
I actually really liked this, I'm going down the KND archive and this is one of the better 3/4 stories. And...well, with all Wally and Kuki's predicaments, it's so true. When people deny that that they're perfect for each other because they're so opposite that they end up dating the WRONG kind or THEIR kind... Boys and girls do this to each other all the time that I'm like Abby, Nigel and Hoagie on the sidelines. Always trying to raise a flag for them to see, ahahah!

But any how, it was such a relief that the ending wasn't so cheesy romantic but more realistic, you know? I enjoyed reading this from beginning to end and every time Kuki felt a twinge of jealousy, I felt my stomach churn too-believe it or not. I was like: "UGH! NO! WHY WALLY? ...NO! WHY KUKI?" But hey, what can you do? You also made it to the point that even though it was mostly in Kuki' point-of-view, we still got the feels from Wallabee. We still got an idea of how he was feeling and I think that really pulled me into the story too. Their pull to each other was soooo obvious it's almost ridiculous, but I loved it all!

Oh, and side not. I think Walter was sooooo cute and adorable. I'm a sucker for a guy with black-rimmed glasses and dark hair. Ha, what can you do though? Right? Riiiight?! Ahahaha, oh man.

Oh! And before I end this review, I JUST caught that the people Wallabee and Kuki dated, their boyfriends/girlfriends names started with their own personal crushes first letter (if that makes sense, but you get my drift, right?). Love, love, loved this! The side characters weren't all that bad either, they felt very real and it's refreshing to see in a 3/4 story.
Kuki and Kimi chapter 13 . 3/16/2013
AMAZING! Definitely one of my favourite fanfics, it was just perfect. And I loved the end! I really liked how neither Walter nor Katie were upset, because I really liked them. This was fantastic! :D
oceanmelodies chapter 13 . 11/21/2012
the ending was cute, but felt incomplete. oh well, it was nice anyway
oceanmelodies chapter 9 . 11/21/2012
oceanmelodies chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
i like your beginning and how you already set up the "we're opposite so we dont belong together" thing so easily but also had that doubt in Kuki's mind, i wish youd also put in Wally's pov
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