Reviews for Recycling
a.vago chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
Wow! Really, just ...: wow!
Bored321 chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
Very dark. Totally possible if you look into the Naruto-verse's darkest corners, but makes me wonder why he didn't just put him under before giving him a case of anophthalmia. (That's Kabuto's style.)

Even sliding a kunai a knife between his ribs would be better. Not's like there gonna get any uses outta him now, and he won't be too happy after the fact.
Flayne chapter 1 . 3/19/2015
You are one scarily amazing person to have written this. I am impressed. Good job!
OneOfMillions chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
A sharingan farm? Holy fuck, that's dark. Instant fav.
Asuka Sakura26 chapter 1 . 3/11/2014
Ouch. Poor clone. Physically and mentally...emotionally that's gonna hurt like hell. I wonder how many copies Konoha has and how they managed to have their bodies not reject the sharingan and vice versa. This was a cool concept though creepy. Clones are still people. Sakura must be traumatized to end
up so cold like that. Good thing this never happened in canon so tragic.
Jennybot19 chapter 1 . 4/9/2013
that is creepy but super cool. somehow i can imagin this being one of the futures that they had to choose. but that dosent make it any less creepy.
Night13 chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
That's so horrible what happened to Sasuke, gives me the chills that that could ever happen. Awesome story, really original idea :)
FrictionX42 chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
Wow, that was kind of dark. Great stuff though.
Mr Stereo1 chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
Ouch. That's rough. To be honest after his descent into asspull evil, I'm surprised that no-one in the village noticed where he was going earlier and just gave Naruto the eyes, he has the chakra for it after all.

Considering the sorts of things the village are implied to do for money, blinding and raping a bloodline holder doesn't seem beyond the question if it gave an important enough advantage. Itachi would probably turn on them for it, but he could potentially be removed by leaking information on his true loyalties to Atatsuki.

Anyway, interesting read.
dayfox96 chapter 1 . 10/18/2011
nice i love clone got the idea from the clone wars movies huh
Amanthya chapter 1 . 2/6/2011
I found this entirely creepy and trippy, but based enough in canon-reality that I could see it happening in an extremely twisted AU. B/c you're right, what no one stops to think about is what being Hokage is really like. Re-watching where Jaraiya dies and how Tsunade feels, having let him go not wanting him to but needing him to, to face Pain...

It could wear even Naruto down, I think. But he would shoulder the burden so that no one else has to, and fake a smile. We see that in how he looks down at Tsunade's unconscious form after Pain, and then pretends he's okay.

I even bet Sakura would go all cold-hearted, to protect herself.

I wanted to congratulate you on writing something so well it really messes with ppl's heads, even though I'm not sure I could ever read this again. *shudder*
Vandenberg chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
Great job in writing this up, it really was a chilling read.

Keep it up! :B

Vullardqueen chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
NO! Oh well, I hope Sasuke lives blind..or half blind...whichever...
strawberry-box chapter 1 . 3/2/2009
Really...fucked up lol

When I clicked on the title I...did NOT expect that XD but I liked it all the same
doc.exe chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
It's one of the most twisted and sick stories I have ever read! ...And I liked it! ... A lot!

I suppose my hatred towards Sasuke's character is partially responsible for that. Even if that's the case, I actually felt bad for him. It's a rather ironic (and cruel) way that the universe found to perpetually punish him for his past actions.

In any case the... err... recycling concept is actually interesting. Creepy but interesting.

Naruto and Sakura are somewhat OOC (I just can't picture canon Naruto doing something that horrible). In any case, there is a justification for their behavior. And their despair and guilt is palpable (specially in the case of Naruto). Talking about Naruto, I wonder if he realizes how his similarity toward his father goes beyond the looks. I mean, Minato did something really cruel and horrible to his son for the sake of the village. Naruto is now doing something even more cruel and horrible towards his former best friend for the same reason. Once again, it's really ironic if you ask me.

There are some mistakes here and there, but is well written any way. Keep up the good work!
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