Reviews for Nigel Just Can't Wait to Lead!
Guest chapter 9 . 5/13
Also that scene for Izzy.
Sector V would wear their normal beach attire as for Rachel/Numbuh 362 would be a one-piece swimsuit with a black swirl wave line curving up to down in the front and curving down to up in the back, left side diagonal sky blue most in the front and less in the back, right side yellow less in the front and more yellow in the back.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13
To Izzygirl Storygirl
If you are going to make your own version are you gonna blend the 1994 animated and 2019 live action elements together.
For “Just can’t wait to Lead” scene
Numbuhs 1 and 362 along with Numbuhs 2, 3, 4, and 5 decide to ditched one of their older operatives looking after them and in this version they went to the beach and there is a zoo next to it and during the scene they let the animals loose as a distraction.
Like the kids ran along some African wild dog, Timber, and Arctic Wolf pups, spotted hyena, Cheetah, Jaguar, Snow leopard, African Lion, Bengal, and Siberian tiger cubs.
Running through a shallow lagoon as greater Flamingos fly off.
Running in the middle of a Plains Zebra herd and once at the beach area they ran underneath the legs of a passing giraffe.
The older operative getting pecked by ostriches, ran across the water with the Aldabra and galápagos giant tortoises as stepping stones, and standing on a nile hippopotamus and Pygmy hippopotamus as eastern bluebirds flew off before going back into the water.
As the older operative passes by the herd of plains zebras, now joined by black wildebeest, gemsbok, llamas, pronghorn, bongo Antelope, and sable antelope
The kids hiding in a family of Indian Rhinos and their calf along with a Baird’s tapir, moose, and okapi.
Playing in the water with a herd of African and Indian Elephants
As the older operative searches a Grizzly Bear and a polar bear rears you in curiosity
The other kids and primates including Red-ruffed Lemurs, Ring-tailed Lemurs, Japanese Macaques, Mandrills, Bonobos, Western Chimpanzees, Bornean Orangutans, and Western Lowland Gorillas were playing instruments
The kids hiding in a flock of ostriches and blue peafowls
The kids running underneath the necks of drinking Reticulated giraffes as they rear their necks up and jumping over the bald Saltwater Crocodiles and Indian Gharials along with some Komodo Dragons, Nile Monitors, Green Iguanas, Yellow Anacondas, Gila Monsters, Amazonian Giant Centipedes, Goliath Bird-Eater Spiders, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Boa Constructors, Brazilian Pink Salmon Tarantulas, Common Death Adders, Eastern Brown Snakes, Giant Burrowing Cockroaches, Giant Desert Hairy Scorpions, Golden Poison Frogs, Goliath Beetles, Goliath Frogs, Giant Tiger Land Snails, Goliath Frogs, Lehmann’s Poison Frogs, Lesser Antilean Iguanas, Mexican Redknee Tarantulas, Puff Adders, Red-eyed tree frog, Titan Beetles, and Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes basking on the logs and rocks
The kids jumping along a herd of red kangaroo, Springbok, and Thomson’s gazelles
Dances between 1 and 362, 2 and 5, and 3 and 4.
The older operative searching among the crowd of animals
The kids running with a group of golden hamsters, striped skunks, raccoons, olive baboon, vervet, and white-headed Capuchin monkeys as they passed by some termite mounds as some giant anteaters, aardvarks, and Chinese pangolins were feeding on the termites along with koalas, a Giant Panda, a red panda, a Himalayan Brown Bear, and Formosan Black Bear eating fruits, eucalyptus, and bamboos
As a pair of giraffes clear the sunlight away creating a spotlight on the kids and Then the Giraffe swats the older operative away with his tail as he yelps and runs off soon all the kids and animals started to sing along with them. As some kids that were playing or laying down in the sand with some caribou, Bongo calves and Plains Zebras Foals started following the operatives, along with some kids in the water swimming, on inner tubes and raft floaties with some harbor seals, Nile Hippopotamuses, Saltwater Crocodiles, Indian Gharials, and Pygmy Hippopotamuses followed them and sang along.
In the grassland and sand areas the kids along with the Lowland Bongos, Cape Buffaloes, Dall Sheep, warthog, Caribou, American Bisons, Pronghorns, Nyalas, dromedary, and Bactrian Camels joined them even as Flocks of Red-crowned Cranes, Indian Peafowls, yellow-headed amazons, big brown bats, eastern blue birds, mute swans, and Greater Flamingos flew into the air as the older operative appears again
Soon all the kids and animals join in and follow them and the Americans herring gulls distract the older operative as the kids stand on some tall rocks as everyone surrounds them for the final.
That’s my suggestion if you want.
Izzygirl Storygirl chapter 5 . 3/13
I love the story! (P.S The Lion King was one of my favorite series as a kid and the KND was one of my favorite series on Cartoon Network!) I might make a fanfic parody of the Lion King called The KND King. Don't worry,I'm not gonna copy you.
Izieme chapter 9 . 3/5
I love this story! I loved the Lion King when I was young! Chapter 9 was really sad like in the movie where Mufusa died. Also,when are going to make Chapter 10?
rainbow lily chapter 9 . 11/29/2015
I'd love it! Really hope you update the next chapter soon.
Heather chapter 9 . 1/16/2014
Please don't discontinue this story! It's amazing!
BlueReader chapter 3 . 3/14/2013
Me again sorry I meant School Dance not what I said. *forehead smack or whatever that is called*
BlueReader chapter 2 . 3/14/2013
P.s just wanted to say I wood have deleted it way sooner but I can't go on my laptop (which is torture!) And again so sorry. I feel like an idiot right now and I feel really bad. No hard feelings?
BlueReader chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Oh jeez I am so sorry about that! You see I read yours and since it wasn't finished I wanted to make my own only so it could be finished. I'm really sorry about that I can be so stupid sometimes. I will delete the story. Again I am really sorry. Also just since I see that you are still on maybe could you update it? You are a really good writer. Also I love your story The Dance.
LightingWinter2 chapter 9 . 9/2/2012
Wally for Timon and Hoagie for Pumba but who for Kuki
MWolfL chapter 9 . 1/15/2011
Laughed constantly reading this story, great work! I like how you rewrote the story to fit the characters, especially the whole conversation about Rachel and Nigel being betrothed. Yeah, human guys that age would object to marriage due to cooties alright. XD I also like how you cast the hyenas and the wildebeests, really works.

Please finish! :D
Hana13 chapter 9 . 2/5/2010
WOW! Great so far! Update soon! -
Sparklillian chapter 1 . 4/19/2009
Please update soon, your story is like another version of The lion King.
Whiteling chapter 9 . 12/29/2007
Oh, Mr. Uno. . . Poor Nigel. . . *wailing* It's just not fair, WHY?

*sniff* Please update soon!
Neros Urameshi chapter 9 . 12/29/2007
Numbah 0... he's dead...

Father, you're gonna pay for this!

Please continue! X'(
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