Reviews for Friends Don't Forget
SapphireFox9 chapter 1 . 4/13/2015
Oh goodness, I am sobbing! There are tears on my iPads screen! I went through a bunch of tissues also! This is was wonderfully written and so very sad with the smallest bit of happy because they were remembering the good times... BTW I was listening to Brother (featuring Gavin DeGraw) by NEEDTOBREATHE, I think it fits pretty well.
TheFeelios chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
Holy crap... Sasuke at the end almost killed me. T'was so so so sad! D:
KonohasBlackReaper chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
Very emotional... Nicely done
IAmWhoeverIWantToBe chapter 1 . 1/4/2013
This was beautiful. I have never actually cried over writing before. The most would be a strong sense of sadness. I cried. I full out sobbed. It was so…
Alley chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
best story i've ever read i have a breakdown at the end of this story keep it up
Ankeith chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
This is one of- thee saddist insanely awesome story I have ever read I love you now
Authoress Blackrose chapter 1 . 6/11/2010
*sob, quiver* WHY'D YA HAVE TO GO! I never cry over writing so this has to be some powerful stuff. Naruto finally got the family he wanted even if he had died getting. Seriously though, I'm crying just at the thought of Naruto really dying in the show. I would have been crammed in my room for weeks with ice cream. But I know that the village will never really be in danger with Naruto's spirit up in heaven looking after them.

Silver Shadowbreeze chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
This is the first deathshot I've seen that had Sasuke come back to say goodbye. I'm happy that someone remembered their bond and touched on it in their writing. Thanks for being one among few.

Totally Kawaii chapter 1 . 9/10/2009
I totally regret not getting a tissue now.

I cried.

Loved this story, so now the comments, cos you deserve a huge review.

Okay... I adore how Naruto's death brought different people together (although maybe it might be more poignant, personally, if there were still people who hated the Kyuubi vessel). That being said, I kinda missed Neji, who Naruto would've definitely affected. And a buncha other people. But mostly Neji-kun.

I got really PO'd at Sasuke. But I do that whenever Sasuke is in his Orochimaru-Outfit (cos it just reminds me how he betrayed Naruto, even if I do see its relevance to the plot in general since Sasuke made me all bad with his dastardly bastardly ways even before he left). I really liked how Naruto's death brought Sasuke home. I'm sure the dobe would have laughed at the irony.

The fact that everyone wants Naruto's face on the wall, even if he was never Hokage, win. The fact that there was a 5-year-old blondie who wanted to be just like him BIGGER EFFING WIN. The only way to make him any more awesome is to have him shout "DATTEBAYO!" Duh.

(I think I have an incurable... THING for short blonde dudes. Long live CHIBI NARUTO! And Ed from FMA.)

Thanks for sharing!

Duchess192 chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
Great story. Really well done. I love it:) Thanks for posting it!

1nf1n1ty chapter 1 . 10/5/2008
*cries cries cries cries cries cries cries*

Wow...your writing is really, REALLY good. The imagery and emotional description are AMAZING.

*continues sobbing*

I think I'm traumatized for life...
SliverOfSilver88 chapter 1 . 4/5/2008


ah that was depressing T.T I should really stop reading character death fics when it upsets me so much.

Oh poor Naruto-kun... If Kishimoto decideds to go all sadistic and make something like that happen, then he'll have every individual in the naruto fandom hammering at his door, armed with axes and pointies. This fic was really good,

thank you
Deauthorized chapter 1 . 12/10/2007
*cries* That is totally heart breaking. I really like all the points of views.
Rawiyah-Taliesin chapter 1 . 11/5/2007
That was so sad it made me cry. *sniff* Anyway, really good, keep up the nice work!
kemiztri chapter 1 . 10/26/2007
Though I don't like the idea of Naruto dying, esp before he achieved his dreams, I really enjoyed the read. You've written a beautiful piece. Though I'm not sure if the whole village would all be mourning his death, you've written realistic accounts of his friends' grief. Awesome work.
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