Reviews for aces and spades
Nicollete chapter 2 . 3/13/2012
cool story, I wish u continued it though, it was getting pretty interesting too (:o
Elz Durden chapter 2 . 12/13/2011
Fun times
I Falling Rose I chapter 2 . 11/13/2011
awsome story are you going 2 continue?
sven asta chapter 2 . 6/7/2011
OMG the smexiness D:

I'm officially stalkerfacing your kingdom hearts fics now because, well, because I love you and I wish I could steal away all your talent and there's no way in this world I'll ever get enough of your portrayal of kairi/axel ;_;

The dialogue is the best part of you're writing, I'd have to say. It's very witty, tongue in cheek, and all that.
Devil Lace chapter 2 . 7/13/2008
ohmygodohmygodohmygod this was without a doubt totally amazing.

faving this fo sho cait!

i remember reading the beginning first chapter a long time ago and i didn't really want to finish it because back then i couldn't bare to sit and read a long chapter but today, as I kept reading, it was so interesting i couldn't stop. and i'm so glad i read it because i love this.

kairel is so sexy and with those cute little hints of demairi how could i not love it?

axel's character made me swoon so very much and omg i just want to scream "axel kiss me!" ahh that lucky little kairi.

and kairi was everything she should be, as in her character, she was in perfect character through the fic.

something i am so jealous of is the words your characters speak are so unique. i mean like, its not something predictable, like anyone would say in that situation. they are true to the character and very, very clever. i just really loved the interaction.

and the kairel action was hot even if it wasn't explicit.

all in all i love this a lot and I really hope to see some more kairel's from you. you write them so well.


ZilaAssanaDyre chapter 2 . 6/28/2008
Oh man, this is a friggin awesome fic! I really liked you're characterization of Axel, it was really good. Hm, the end of the story sounds like it was just begging for a sequel? eh..EH?
poo master chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
(So is still major fail for not sending me any alerts EVER)

DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I WANT TO FANART THIS? D: And actually do a proper one, too! Instead of doodling on MSPaint with a crappy mouse asdjas

I kind of did fall out of the Axel/Kairi ship, but I really, really do like this AU D; Plus, you write Axel all awesome and more snarky and win. He's not blurting out "Got it memorized?" EVERY. FRIGGIN'. LINE. So much goodness in characterization :D

I like the vagueness of the ending and the repetition of Kairi's hate for Axel. It makes the chapter so ~circular~

I WILL FAVE THIS! If I haven't already XD;

- Catherine
nolongerherereally chapter 2 . 2/20/2008
Wow. I liked this so much.
3L52QpZKH9re9D7 chapter 1 . 11/20/2007
Sexyness at the max. And I'm only talking about the authoress there ;-).

Make a sequel and I will spare your life.
Imires chapter 2 . 11/10/2007
*Squeals* XD That was awesome! I'm addicted. o.o

Imires chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
OMFG! You are so flipping creative, o.O I must read more!XD Yay, next stop AxelxKairi! Woot!

GraciousHeart chapter 2 . 10/26/2007
Oh, goodness.

I love this story.

Minnet chapter 1 . 10/26/2007
So, that was sexy beyond all reason.

AxelKairi... talk about a guilty pleasure (or not-so-guilty-but-still-a-pleasure). This is definitely in my top three AxelKairi fics.

Poor, poor Demyx though. And Marluxia. And Larxene.

But really, now. I read the first chapter last night before I went to sleep and was waiting all day at school to finish it. Worth it. Totally worth the wait. And you make me wish I could write AxelKairi worth beans. And you make me wish that there was more of it on this site that was actually worth reading.

And that's it. Thank you for writing it.

Tally chapter 2 . 10/26/2007
...Props for Demyx. I'm about to molest his adorably guilty sweet strange persona. First character in this I've wanted to rape. Many more followed (zomg, Larxene. Axel, of course. Even Marly to an extent). So much fxcking love for you.

You do realise this isn't a twoshot. It's going to become a chaptered epic. It will, even if I have to harrass you day in, day out - or night, the way we're online - as soon as I've finished my exams.

I wish I could write Wonderland. I can't, for some reason, and i don't like not being able to, but reading this makes me feel le inspired. I WANT TO, DAMMIT.

...must. rape. axel.
MISHEEMONSTER chapter 1 . 10/25/2007


I don't know what else to say...I can't really muster something intelligent right now [do I ever?] uhm, just take what I spazzed over on msn and use that?

Oh, and have some .

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