Reviews for The Tea Party
cerulean1990 chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
Wha-What the actual F*CK!
It's often that I can't put feelings into words, but damn! Never because of something like this!
It's morbid. Creepy. Dark. It's horrifying... And I still can't close my mouth...
Congratulations... I-I guess D:
KD14 chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
Not sure how I have not come across this fix before... I fucking love it. It’s so grotesque, perfectly balanced with black humour, gothic and disturbing but so canonically satisfying. Only criticism is the absence of Denzel although I appreciate that his character would have been hard to fit in here. Everything is so visceral- the images are perfectly captured from the crab tea to Marlene half-crushed by the corpse to Zack’s wordless walk-on. Thank you for sharing.
Apakoha chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
oh my god this is probably the worst thing i've ever read holy shit

still debating whether to fav it or not.

lapaxlove chapter 1 . 6/29/2014
Omg, that was one freaky fic, and I can't tell whether I was giggling or wanting to barf, poor Cloud...poor Aeris...
And Tifa and Barrett's reaction was just too priceless.
And the last part, you make me so curious to see a zombie Zack! This fic is really well writen, disturbing, creepy and...demented Cloud makes a very interesting read.
roxicodone chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
Jesus Buddah Allah Krishna help me. I am entirely creeped out. aldskfjalsdfj. Fricken amazing. Much obliged.
Out of Books chapter 1 . 1/30/2014
If Lovecraft were a FFVII fan. I very frequently hear the Cloud snaps jokes, and they had gotten so dull. Kudos on taking a bad joke and turning it into something truly spine-tingling.
SingleStone chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
This is so GREAT. Hilarious but also incredibly disturbing.
SilentCoru chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
Aha! What a beautifully demented story. I think I gagged just a little.
Well-written, by the way. I love seeing angst-ridden characters suddenly shoved into dimentia.
Your ending was perfectly placed, leaving me horrified and yet fascinated by the idea of a twisted zombie Zack. Hehe. Awesome.
tomorrow4eva chapter 1 . 1/23/2013
Arisa K chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
This is simply incredible. I'm almost speechless. The sheer horror that came to mind as I read this piece, the idea of the flower girl falling to literal pieces was just...terrifying. And Holy? Freakin' BRILLIANT. I absolutely adore this bit and totally see it as deserving to win in it's category. Holy shit I'm amazed right now. Fan-freakin'-tastic.
E d e n chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
How ironic that Cloud was the "comical" effect in this story when usually he's the one that is pulling an angst cloud behind him. But then again, the mental deterioration he displayed here is really the accumulation of all that angst, no?
I love how you left bits and pieces of the Aerith we knew compared to this Aerith now, it almost makes us (and probably Tifa) feel some shame to show disgust at someone who was once (and still is..I guess) looked up to.
And the part at the end, my god-I couldn't stop reading, I was like Stopstop-hold..on-Noooo-aaand el fin. You've officially made me curious to see if there are any zombie!FF stories out there.

The only thing I wish I could have seen more of was Cloud's side of the story. Don't get me wrong, I know you specifically wrote this with Tifa's perspective more in mind, which you did spectacularly well (including Barret's), but it really makes me wonder what was going on in his head the whole time. What did he really see? Has this been an ongoing feeling this whole time.. and what happened to be that final catalyst?
TSRM chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
"are you blind?" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL this is gold
Splintered Star chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
I read this just after dinner.

This was probably a mistake.

Fuck. It's gorgeous and amazing and *ow*

...poor Zack. He didn't deserve to be zombified...
Sorceress Eiva chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
...Oh, I just don't know what to say. This absolutely blew my mind. I'm not fantastic with dead!Aerith - never have been, never will be - and in all honesty, this fic is grotesque.

But hey, I like grotesque.

Tifa's reaction was perfect. And so was Barret's; they aren't anything more than just a pair of rocks for Cloud. Christ, I'd hate to know what broke in him to make him like that.

Fantastic lines in it, though. Cid was bang-on perfect, and I laughed out loud at the finale. Well done.
Riffs chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
It's concept is very familiar. Especially the end. I swear I've read a different version of this story somewhere not involving FF characters. Hm...maybe I read this story years ago and just reread it now. That is quite likely. An insane amount of Deja Vu on my part really added to the jarring feeling of this story. Well written. The imagery was fantastic. And everyone was characterized fascinatingly. But all the same, its absolutely wonderful. Enchantingly so. Thanks for the story.
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