Reviews for The Scarecrow
Guest chapter 5 . 7/25/2015
why is Reid so fucking happy about all of this hes not even scared and he went willingly with the guy too? this better be explained
Guest chapter 3 . 7/25/2015
i dont quite get it—why would Reid go willingly into the hands of the unsub if he was just going to get chained up and tortured?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/25/2015
whoa—i dont get it
LynnAshe chapter 38 . 8/24/2011
Very frighteningly effective. I have read most of your stories in this series as they have pulled me in. Thank you for a wonderful contribution!
omgnotagain chapter 38 . 8/29/2010

jfs chapter 38 . 8/24/2010
*dead* OMG! WTF wow. I wanna write this dark
the-vampire-act chapter 38 . 6/21/2010
EEK! That was horrible! How is Spencey going to survive? Great story! I loved it! Er, well, love doesnt exaclty seem like the right word anymore..hehehe..
MrsBee1973 chapter 38 . 2/13/2010
Oh mah gawd! HAHAHAHA! I think Im delirious with happiness! A SEQUEL! YAY!
MrsBee1973 chapter 37 . 2/13/2010
Okay. One last chapter. I think I'm actually going to be sad. Go figure? My poor beautiful Reid has been beaten, abused and violated. I hope he will be able to pull through this with some semblence of normalcy. I have truly loved this wild ride, love, & trust me, I will be reading your other magnificence! Thank you! Momma
MrsBee1973 chapter 34 . 2/13/2010
Can I just say you are a genius? This is one of the best things Ive read in quite some time. Excellent!
MrsBee1973 chapter 29 . 2/13/2010
Oh man. I hope he doesn't completely lose his faith in the team cuz that would totes suck. But I could understand it as well. I do actually like that he is convincing himself that he is strong enough to do this by himself.
MrsBee1973 chapter 28 . 2/13/2010
WHAT? I'm a mess! This is unbelievably fantastic! I hate having to walk away from it. So the hair thing is def creepy and now lil blondie is apsycho too. This place is starting to resemble MY family! LOL!
MrsBee1973 chapter 25 . 2/12/2010
OMG! Poor, poor Reid. However, I like that he is trying to keep things in check by telling himselftbat he is NOT his mother. Greatchapter!
MrsBee1973 chapter 22 . 2/12/2010
Great job love! Now poor Hotchner is being drug into the melée! Assume jason knows what really happened he's just trying to keep Reid safe.
MrsBee1973 chapter 21 . 2/12/2010
Oh no! Princess is about to reemerge isn't she? This is totes the creepiest thing EVER! I love it!
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