Reviews for Innocence Lost
Henri Jane chapter 3 . 3/11/2014
I love you and I love this and I know you said it was complete, but I wouldn't complain if you wrote more. It ended perfectly, but it's just... You're one of those author's that write stories that leave readers needing more. NEEDING more. Just sayin' ;)
starjems88 chapter 3 . 11/29/2008
great story:)
remplie-de-souvenirs chapter 3 . 11/21/2007
Wow. There's not much more I can say than that, that was incredible and it made me cry too. Brilliantly written. I liked the end part that was cute especially, “I never said I’d answer the question, only that I wouldn’t get mad,” she said perkily. “Let’s get back to work.” Nice work.
Lady aracne chapter 3 . 9/21/2007
This is very good, you are great at challenges, I loved it!
ladybrin chapter 3 . 9/13/2007
Thanks for writing this fic- i really enjoyed it- i LOVE all mcabby interaction- I reviewed on the other board but still- this was worth reviewing twice- PLEASE write another mcabby soon- even if it is not for a challenge story- teehee- you could write another for my pleasure- haha