Reviews for The Survivor
Monkey Typewriter chapter 21 . 11/6/2017
RIP Henshaw, good work on the story!
Thal chapter 21 . 4/3/2015
OOOOOGGH. I adored White's characterization, and I'm a sucker for mentor-apprentice relationships. White's transition from being apathetic to Big Brother was lovely! I was extremely curious how his relationship with his sister wound up, because it never felt like he gave the whole story. Glad that end was tied. :)

There's much to say about this fic; there are many thoughts gushing from my head, but I just want to throw the point home that I think you wrote a henchman that readers can relate to, or at least I did. And I love him! I want him to live well (whatever he decides "well" is) in Metropolis, and I'm relieved he survives, although I can also easily imagine him not surviving, and grinning because I love tragedies befalling my favorite characters.

This review is less than 8 years late, but I still wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed it! I smiled and awe'd and ate each chapter after the other.
Caricature of a Witch chapter 21 . 11/10/2014
This story was sweet and crazy and pretty awesome all in all. I love it :)
Energetic red chapter 21 . 7/31/2014
Nice take on the henchman idea, I like how White's a 3 dimensional character and not your typical braindead thug.
SurroundedInDarkness chapter 3 . 3/17/2013
XD I love how a henchman would rather get mauled by lions then face the wrath of the Joker.
Flying Zipper chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
so many chapters, i can't wait to continue on reading! everything sounds wonderful :) woop!
ReadingIsSexy15 chapter 21 . 10/11/2011
awsome just awsome
Taio Kaiona chapter 1 . 3/2/2009
Could have been longer. I was getting into it :(

But right now, I'm just reading all your stuff! :D
harleyQdoll chapter 21 . 9/27/2008

great fic!

i kinda got teary eyed at the end :p

it was good and sweet.
princessebee chapter 21 . 3/10/2008
This is a great story! It's so interesting to see these things through the eyes of a hired gun, and you do it really well. The whole looking at his shoes thing was played well throughout, as was the fear and general wariness of the mugs towards their boss. I like the depiction of Harley as naieve and inexperienced... of course, she was all new to this whole game, she wouldn't have known anything about it! It's nice to see it addressed and I love that she had to be taught how to shoot. I think her inexperience would've been something Joker would've found cute at times... and infuriating at others... we get a limited perspective, seeing this story told just through White's eyes, but his personal reactions to everything is very interesting. And I love Joker's possessiveness and how they're all aware of it, even though none of them ever really see him being nice to her. Great job!
Aurenna chapter 21 . 10/30/2007
Congratulations! A great story, very enjoyable, kept me all excited and filled with anticipation of updates. (..which is a really bad sentence but anyway...) Yes, very good, all the OCs were great characters, I got rather attached to them. Nicely done! Brava!
Capito Celcior chapter 21 . 10/28/2007
But the irony of a man, who survived for so long by sticking to his system, ending up dead because he changed WOULD be a very compelling tool towards any author. I can see why your Beta would think this. But then you had Henshaw end up like that, cause he didn't leave like he usualy does whenever he picks up the ire of his boss, so I guess you got Irony right there. Still not as obvious as White's end would have been though.

The end of the survivor...

Ah well, I think it is good you ended thi one. Make no mistake, it was unique and decent, but I felt at the end it was getting tiresome for more of White and Harley. This way you finished it before it turned bad, and thus kept a good story. With a unique concept. This is yours, no one else has it, and all others from now on will imitate you.
safayi chapter 20 . 10/27/2007
Your ending it in the next chapter? NO!
Aurenna chapter 19 . 10/25/2007
Aw, poor Henshaw! I liked him. He was a bit dim, but a good sort. **pats Henshaw** That was very well done, I particularly like the bartender's reaction.
Aurenna chapter 18 . 10/25/2007
AAH! *runs and hides* Nyahahaha.
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