Reviews for Restraint
Everything4Everyone chapter 2 . 6/28/2019
This is really good!
Iuvsbruce chapter 2 . 1/27/2018
Really, really wonderful! Thank you so much!
Mystic25 chapter 2 . 6/13/2011
zekeschance chapter 2 . 8/3/2010
Great story! Loved the emotion within each brother. You really got into Sam's head and Dean's. But I really love my hurt Sammy! Just discovered this story. Thanks!
lucablue chapter 2 . 8/25/2008
Well hell...(yeah me again)! Y'know it's so cool to read stories that really hit the nail when it comes to BOTH Dean and Sam!

I think most get the angsty, protective, stoic and depth of hidden emotions from Dean. Absolutely love it!

But when I read... "the truth was that Sam locked down his emotions tighter than anyone when it came to certain things"...I did a dance of joy (really sorry about that mental image) cause we're on the same page! I think they're both more alike than even they realise!

Wonderful writing and I love the way you set the scene for these emotional showdowns...I will be reading more of your stories.

Maimat B chapter 2 . 1/16/2008
you are a great writer. I love your stories, but i think they might be giving me an ulcer with all the tense moments.
stranded chess piece chapter 2 . 9/24/2007
wow, that was great :) I especially liked how you went into Dean's thoughts on Ava, I always wondered about that. And I LOVED how you described Sam as being 'a pale copy of the original' compared with john, great choice of words!

Great work!

Stranded :)
psiChic chapter 2 . 9/23/2007
Awesome job! I love the limp!ness of Sam, not overdone but just right! And Dean's mother hen-ing is just perfect. :D
IheartSam7 chapter 2 . 9/19/2007
Awesome. I loved this story. it was short and sweet and filled with the greatest brotherly love. I felt like you took a page out of the show's script, it was just like watching them- in my mind of course-I hope you keep writing because you are really great at capturing the boys :)
IheartSam7 chapter 1 . 9/19/2007
oh my gosh that was so intense. I am completely enamored with Sam and the way you are writing him in this. I abslolutely love it.
gidgetgal9 chapter 2 . 9/17/2007
Hey, got a chance to read this today, loved it! Great story!
rozzy07 chapter 2 . 9/16/2007
How this delicious read slipped under my radar seriously has to be laid firmly at the doorstep of RL - nothing else could explain it other than being abducted by aliens! As always your writing leaves me wanting more and this short two parter, perfectly executed with some serious LimpSam and AngstyDean, really did hit the mark. Sorry its taken me an age to add my pennies worth of praise. Rozzy
carocali chapter 2 . 9/4/2007
Knowing you, you've researched this problem with the antacids. I love that about your writing! What a creepy and cool way to go down!

This had a great flow and just enough angst to get through. I love Sam's thought process about where he was and who he was with - even in his drugged state.

And, in the end, nothing gets resolved. So typical of these boys... Bury and forget, until it comes to haunt you. Really nice job!


carocali chapter 1 . 9/4/2007
I love how you've pulled Sam's thoughts out for us. Of course he's still upset about what happened in Oregon - all of it! Immune to a plague, lied to by his family, something's gotta give!

Leave it to Mr. Bad Luck to find the girl that brings all the hulks to her side. In his state of mind, and apparently something else, Sam is not at his best!

Onto the next chapter!
bally2cute chapter 2 . 9/1/2007
Loved it! I laughed a little, 'cause I'm doing a Neuro/Psych rotation right now, and all that stuff with Sam felt really familiar. Excellent story!
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