Reviews for Transition Period
BannanGodis chapter 20 . 4/9/2018
Arw165 chapter 20 . 3/9/2017
I have to admit I kind of agree with that guest-review from 15th August 2013. I really like the mystery part with Itachi, the whole solving the case thing with Kakashi, Shikamaru and Sai involved, plus those guys plotting in the shadows (I'm guessing Oro and his megane side-kick). I'm sure it would all lead to exciting climax I would love to see happen. The romance part though... I wasn't pleased with SasuNaru interaction in the last chapter, if I'm to be honest with myself. Especially with Sasuke's behaviour. They went from few innocent kisses (comparing) to very intense blowjob. It felt too early for me, even more the way it happened. There were having very serious conversation, I was very curious about the way Itachi acted in this relationship myself. Sasuke might have said he 'loved' Naruto, but considering circumstances and what he was saying while giving the head, it felt as if it was more about jealousy or rivalry Sasuke might have felt towards his brother. Not Sasuke wanting Naruto for Naruto himself. I was sure Naruto would be angry after all this, because of the guilt over having oral sex with his ex-lover's 17 years old brother (and not that much time passed anyway). I didn't like the dialogue, "Let me taste you"? I don't know, it felt like a guy wanting to take a test drive, before he decides to buy a car. I'm as far as it gets from being love expert, but IMO there's was not much feelings in all this. More like attraction and lust. It didn't make feel warm inside in a good fluffy way. But then I guess Sasuke is still a hormonal teenager, so I shouldn't be surprised that acts his age.

I'm following just in case.
bloodedlife94 chapter 20 . 1/18/2016
Oh my gawd! So naruto gave in to sasuke in the end!
I liked it, though I would have wished for a bit more!
mayling.pineda.5 chapter 19 . 4/9/2015
That's so cute can u do a sequel pleaseee!
J4sm1n4 chapter 20 . 12/7/2014
Update please I love this story!
Naruto7771 chapter 20 . 9/26/2014
It's good but you could actually do a lot with is :3
sarinn chapter 20 . 7/22/2014
wow.. this story is so sweet... I love it
is this discontinue? i hope you can complete the story until the end
Kiri Ketchup chapter 20 . 6/19/2014
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW Please update lol my thought was "Well that escalated quickly..." i thought a bit more relationship development was gonna happen but I Loved it anyway- it was a very nice...surprise ;)
mayling.pineda.5 chapter 20 . 5/23/2014
awwwwwww sasuke and naruto made hot steamy oral love i hope naruto doesnt regret it and itachi get caught
euforie chapter 20 . 12/30/2013
whaaa! Finish this please :(
Entrance Denied chapter 2 . 12/21/2013
I cannot stop reading your work.

I have done nothing productive since I read the entirety of 'Merger' yesterday. You have a gift my dear.
rii.young chapter 1 . 12/17/2013
Oh God, when I read the prologue, I read penniless to penisless by mistake, I was so shock.
MegaAnimeFreak7 chapter 20 . 12/9/2013
Dude... what the hell? So... you write an awesome story, get to the climax then decide to bail, leaving your fans with cliffhanger scraps for more than two years? Not cool bro. To anyone reading the reviews before reading the fic, don't read this story unless you're ready to deal with heartbreak. *Shakes head disapprovingly* Disappointing.
Her chapter 20 . 12/2/2013
I love it! I kind of wish it was done but where it's left off I liked it to I loved this chapter where sasuke took control :)
Guest chapter 20 . 8/15/2013
I have mixed feelings about this story. The plot is riveting. This whole time I was reading to the end just to find out what happened with Itachi, why he did what he did and who is conspiring with Kiba and why. It's a shame the fic was never finished because I really wanted the answers to those mysteries.

At the same time, I find Naruto and Sasuke's romantic relationship to be underdeveloped. They were so antagonistic in the beginning, which was fine. It was good, actually, because they both had some justifiable bitterness over the situation and there was no one they could express their frustrations on except for each other. So that part worked and was believable. But the actual romance part... Somehow, without the slightest bit of evidence, Neji and Sakura just knew there was something going on between Sasuke and Naruto. But how? Neji knew it before Sasuke ever opened his mouth to speak. And then, in the course of just 48 hours, inexperienced Sasuke went from realizing he had a crush on Naruto, to giving him a blowjob and insisting he loved Naruto more than Itachi ever did because he "changed" for him. But this was the kid who got so embarrassed over Naruto suggesting he might have something sexual going on with Kiba that he slapped a hand over Naruto's mouth. How did he suddenly turn into Mr. "Say my name while I blow you"? And Sasuke "changed" for Naruto? When and how? He's a little less antagonistic than he used to be, but that's not "changing," that's acting like you have a crush. Which is all that Sasuke's feelings for Naruto are at this point. They aren't love.

Well, I know this fic is DOA at this point, but despite my criticism of Naruto and Sasuke's relationship being too rushed, I really did enjoy the plot of the fic. It's one of the most unique AUs in this fandom and I would have loved to have seen the big revelation of what happened to Itachi and why he did what he did, also why Naruto and Sasuke were being hunted down. What, exactly, did Itachi do to put them both directly in danger? Good luck with whatever you're doing now!
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