Reviews for Something Wiccan This Way Comes BackAgain
Crystalzap chapter 18 . 11/14/2011
cool, don't really like how they can't orb but otherwise a good beginning to your series :)
filmFreak1 chapter 18 . 4/5/2008
Finally finished reading it; not a bad start to the series! I like the whole concept of the alternate universes becoming mingled. It's pretty original. Overall, good work!
filmFreak1 chapter 7 . 3/12/2008
Ironically, when you asked me to review some stuff, I had already read a few chapters into this story. To put it simply, I think your writing style is better than mine...mine mostly consists of slapping a chapter together and then proofreading it and correcting spelling and grammar as well as rewording different sentences to make them sound a little better. I like the plotline about Chris's memories merging with those of his alternate self. I also loved the wording you used to introduce of the villain in the first chapter; it was almost poetic. Overall, if you're doing this good just on your first story, I think you may be about ready to start that original work you always wanted to do.

I'll try to finish this fic sometime in the next few days or so (when I get out for Spring Break), so I can leave more feedback.
10000 Dead Roses chapter 18 . 1/6/2008
“Consecrated?” Wyatt puzzled.

“Bled on it,” Chris supplied.

“Gross.” Wyatt said with a scrunched up face

Don't ask me why but those are my favourite find of interactions between them. I like how they can communicate using minimal words.
10000 Dead Roses chapter 16 . 1/6/2008
What fascinating powers... I'd kill to have those. Sorry for flooding you with reviews but good work must be appreciated! Well done!
10000 Dead Roses chapter 14 . 1/6/2008
Well it IS true- why wont they stay dead? How many times have they died in the series only to be re-awakened?
10000 Dead Roses chapter 13 . 1/6/2008
I like how your brought Darryl back into the mix. I liked him... sort of.
10000 Dead Roses chapter 11 . 1/6/2008
Love the Chappie name!
10000 Dead Roses chapter 7 . 1/6/2008
Well done :)
10000 Dead Roses chapter 5 . 1/6/2008
Good idea in adding members of the family, reworkin isn't a bad idea... hm, maybe I should do that.
10000 Dead Roses chapter 4 . 1/6/2008
I like how you worked Gideons and Chris's past into the story. Well done.
10000 Dead Roses chapter 3 . 1/6/2008
'I like sweet thing...' What a pick-up line! Well done Wyatt!
10000 Dead Roses chapter 1 . 1/6/2008
Hm, I was a little confused when I saw the new chapter alert but I worked it out eventually. (Took me at least three minutes though) Anyway don't worry, I looked back on my early chapters of my story and thought 'I should really rewrite these... but I never actually got around to it... probably should though. Anyway, reworking and editing is good so, continue. :)
Android 24 chapter 1 . 10/4/2007
I can't even describe how well done this ill give an should be the pilot for the spin off and u should be the writer!
Mina Grey chapter 1 . 9/2/2007
finally another Charmed writer that does the series justice! Can't wait to read more!
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