Reviews for the art of losing
Knixi chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
Hey Ana-chan...goodness, it's been so long. I've been too busy to be able to sit down and catch up with all of the fanfiction I've missed...but that's besides the point.

Selphie's and Kairi's relationship kind of reminds me of Kyo and Yuki...from furuba, you know? They hate each other so fiercely and yet deep down they emulate each other, wishing to be more like the other. It's cute, and I'm glad that Selph and Kai worked things out.
blueSoba chapter 1 . 9/9/2007
great fic

its really grea, you showed a differnt side of selphie

and kairi's friendship
ru22 chapter 1 . 9/1/2007
First off, an excellent original idea.

Second off, amazing fic.


It captured Selphie's feelings just perfectly. We've all experienced that burning jealousy or "hate", and it drives us crazy until it fizzles out or we do something about it.

The ending was nice, too. To have that friendship start was a lovely idea!

Plus, this quote made me LOL:


"...because she couldn’t talk to Wakka and Tidus about Wakka and Tidus..."




Anyway, excellent job!

xoxo fave ~ ~ ~

kasjfksdf chapter 1 . 8/27/2007
; _ ;!

And ah, a bit of jealous!friendship!selphiekairi was just what I needed. It was really nice, and I enjoyed this.

The capitalized words really put emphasis and some boom into Selphie's feelings.
Rawkin Paradox chapter 1 . 8/18/2007
zomg - selphiekairi friendship is uber adorable.

I loved this. Really I do! It's so cute and poor Selphie. She had every right to hate Kairi, but in the y end they became friends and it made me go, "aww..."

It was deep, man. And I absolutely adored it. Fav's fo' shure and thanks for such a lovely entry!
pinkaffinity chapter 1 . 8/18/2007
oh yay.

selphiekairi friendship is one of mah loves.

and aww- selphie was so jealous, and had good reason why, too.

yay for canon.

and aw yay it's all happy at the end.

Jaded-Raindrop chapter 1 . 8/18/2007
Omg. This was cute.

Ya know-I never really thought about this-how Selphie felt when Kairi came to the island.

But yeah.

