Reviews for Everyday From Right Now
Clinio chapter 18 . 12/4/2019
Game over. I really hate uncompleted works.
Clinio chapter 16 . 12/4/2019
Oh Ron. You did it again. Houses Elfs first, Harry and Ginny second one... whar will be next? Poetry? You will be Hermione's death.
Clinio chapter 2 . 12/3/2019
This was a completely emotional chapter. Especially the first part and the George Ron interaction.
The wand point was no longer as good as the rest because it breaks some of the mystique in the matter of what is the most suitable wand according to the thaumaturge? but I can give you that license.
Anyway, I think the best account of Hermione and Ron's new wands is written in a chapter of fic "All in" that I obviously recommend.
As for you. . . it's a real disgrace that you're not writing anymore.
defne15 chapter 18 . 5/22/2016
i know that you have not updated for eight years but i think that you should finish the story, you should write the adventures of the trioginny in australia or the growth of teddy or about their jobs, etc. it was the one of the best post-war fics i have ever read
nellysh chapter 18 . 4/6/2016
super, super, super..
Poonam chapter 18 . 12/14/2015
Hey! I just read this story and honestly I don't even know if you are active on or not seeing that your last update was in 2008, but it's a brilliant story! I lived how you've stuck with the storyline and all really beautiful. I really wanted to see this story finished, and am still hoping you do. But for its worth, thank you! :)
Madison Futch chapter 18 . 11/14/2015
Please finish this!
lilypotters chapter 18 . 5/21/2015
this is marvellous. i got so disappointed when i realized the last time you updated was 2008. shit, that's 7 years ago. i guess i can give up on reading an update for this :( it's too bad, good Romione fics on here are few and far between.
BeckNiece chapter 18 . 5/20/2015
Lovely story and it ends at a nice point, but it would be nice to have some more.

Thank you for writing.
Sabrina chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
That was beautiful.
holly1492 chapter 15 . 9/3/2014
I just have to say this is one of the best fics I have ever read. I dearly hope you will come back to it someday!
MudBloodPrincess chapter 2 . 8/20/2014
That was awesome! YOU ARE SO TALENTED.
snowhite67 chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
Read this fanfic countless times, kinda like I would read a book. I love it so much! You somehow managed to get the characters right which I'm never able to do, and it's so beautifully written. Thank you for this!
Mgregg5 chapter 13 . 6/1/2014
I have read many, many fanfic accounts of Fred Weasley'd funeral over the years. Somehow, I've only now discovered this one. It is, by far, my favorite.
susieQ41 chapter 18 . 4/16/2014
I know that chances are you will never finish this story, but I wanted to let you know that this is one of my all time favorite stories! I hope you decide to revisit it some day. Thank you for a beautiful representation of my two favorite characters in the HP series!
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