Reviews for Fire Blood's Story
calochi chapter 7 . 8/17
me ha encantado. y solo me encantaria seguir leyendo mas de otras historia sobre fireblood y los demas personajes.
Archive of Warriors chapter 1 . 4/11
I love how you referred to Ven'tia as the most beautiful and then when you described her I could actually believe she was. You also described her really well, I could easily picture her and her description didn't feel forced.
And I must say, I really like Ven'tia and Zuri so far. Fire Blood is funny though, not going to lie.
Little Tusk chapter 7 . 9/12/2019
BRAVO! BRAVO! (Enthusiastically claps praise!). This story is FANTASTIC! I love Fire Blood! He has a strong sense of justice, can fall into nearly uncontrollable rage, yet also be kind and have a sense of humor ! (I love his humor by the way!;)) Once again thank you so much for writing the character bios! They are AWESOME! Your stories are AMAZING, WELL WRITTEN, HILARIOUS, SAD, TOUCHING AND ENDEARING! I also like the way you had Fire Blood kill his Bad Blood father! That is one of the things I admire about Yautja; They don’t just lock up their criminals; they kill them! As I’ve said in other reviews, I love Yautja that have compassion and are loving to their mates! :):).
Little Tusk chapter 6 . 9/12/2019
Okay, this is the first review I’ve made since I read your message!(thanks again for responding to me!). Jet’rikna is definitely a female of honor ; Telling Fire Blood information that even she was not supposed to know! I can’t wait to read chapter 7! :):):)!
Little Tusk chapter 5 . 9/12/2019
I love the comical banter between you and Fire Blood! (Now I don’t feel so silly answering him:):). ). I hope you do more of these! (I agree with you Fire Blood about us fan girls!;););)!). Now in all seriousness: That’s incredible that within a week Fire Blood has THREE females expressing interest in him ! Yii’ra seems like an awful mother! She only cares about her daughter’s status, not her happiness! Jet’rikna was clever; making it appear that she attacked Fire Blood so she could leave one of her kainde amedha claws embedded in his severed dreadlock to let him know that she is interested in him!
Little Tusk chapter 4 . 9/12/2019
And now we learned how Fire Blood met Ri’etta and Ammera! In my opinion the bullies got what they deserved; They would NOT have been good, honorable warriors! They lacked open mindedness and understanding! If they had lived, they most likely would have bullied Little Fighter as well ! And De’kanya is right; Fire Blood does need to learn how to control his temper, otherwise he could accidentally kill someone who his rage is not directed at and therefore become a Bad Blood! He sure didn’t have much peace or compassion in his life! It’s really sad!( Yes , Fire Blood, I know you don’t want us oomans to feel sorry for you, but it’s in ooman nature to feel that way-well, most oomans anyway!)
Little Tusk chapter 3 . 9/12/2019
Fire Blood’s training is progressing well! Ta’buka might be harsh , but that’s the kind of training he needs in order to kill ‘Bad Blood’ ! Kieatta was downright mean to Fire Blood ! Tormenting him by pretending that she was going to reveal her nether regions and then laughed at him that he was ‘going to seed all over himself’. Poor Fire Blood! And then Ranata knocks him out! Finally! We find out Fire Blood and Ranata’s backstory! I’m surprised that his cousin-De’kanya- picks on him so much! Although I guess she is trying to annoy him so he will find his adult growl again!
Little Tusk chapter 2 . 9/12/2019
I like your depiction of the ceremony at the Temple of the Honored Dead. It’s a ceremony that you can imagine Yautja performing. Clan laws are harsh; Not allowed to train,yet expected to be able to kill his Bad Blood father and return honor to his name. Know wonder he was confused! At least his honorable aunt Ta’buka decided to train him! So Ven’tia was a good mother, but she apparently had a jealousy streak when came to her sister;It wasn’t Ta’buka’s fault that the Blooded male loved her instead of Ven’tia! Too bad they couldn’t repair their relationship before Ven’tia was murdered ; Wonder if Tu’buka feels any misplaced guilt that the Blooded warrior chose her instead of her sister, then Ven’tia ended up with ‘Bad Blood’ .
Little Tusk chapter 1 . 9/12/2019
Poor Fire Blood! What a HORRIBLE puphood he had! His father beat his own pups if they looked at his prosthetic arm and hit little Fire Blood for touching it out of curiosity?! What a DESPICABLE warrior! And as if that wasn’t bad enough, he then killed his pups and was going to rip Fire Blood’s spine out! I wonder what caused ‘Bad Blood’ to stop? From the description, it appears that someone stabbed ‘Bad Blood’ ; Probably Zuri. Again poor Fire Blood !:(:(. If I could make a crying emoticon, I would! SOOOOO INCREDIBLY SAD!
Guest chapter 7 . 8/21/2019
I feel like I’m going faint. I’ve been following this story since it first came out. It’s 3AM and I am going to read this right now, because AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH XD OMGOMGOMGOMG XD *silently squealing* because neighbors.
Niroc8 chapter 7 . 8/3/2019
Do...Do my eyes deceive me? After all these years! *cries in Yautian*
StormRaven333 chapter 7 . 8/2/2019
So it seems I forgot to keep track of this wonderful story!
* continues to cheer for Fire Blood * Way to go!
DarkOne09 chapter 7 . 8/2/2019
Thank you so much!

I’ve been waiting to hear the end of this story and it’s fantastic . I hope that you will be writing more soon
Oh Bee One chapter 6 . 12/9/2018
Hey Fire Redhead! I’ve been reading your stories over the past year. I swear I’ve re-read all of them a dozen times and they never get old. I’ve always loved your writing style and its stories like these that inspire others to write. So thank you for that.

Now on the basis of Fire Blood, I must confess... I love him. It’s so cute that even a bad boy like him has a soft side, and that’s for females. I have definitely fallen in love with this character, (I wonder if I should be concerned XD.)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love your work and I hope you don’t give up on this one just yet. You still have quite a few fans that are watching and anxiously waiting for an email to alert them about, Chapter 7 of ‘Fire Blood’s Story’. I know you’re are probably super busy. Life happens, I totally understand, and of course there is writer’s block. I’ve been there too. Just don’t forget about your fans :). Please finish this story, but take your time. I’m patient ;). And I’m sorry for not posting a review before, I only recently built up the guts to do so. I hope all is well.

Just remember:
We are here. We are waiting.
(Sorry, I know you like transformers so I couldn’t resist lol) XD
Guest chapter 6 . 10/17/2018
I just want to say that I really like your avp stories. I browsed a lot of other ones but I keep coming back to yours. I really like your world and characters.

I don't know if this comment is going to make a difference but I would really like it if you came back to this story and finished it.

I would really like it because as I said before I love your avp stories. I just wanted to say that

If you read this, thank you
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