Reviews for What I Am to You
Serotonin Storm chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
I'm less impressed with this than your other stories, probably because I didn't really get it. To me, Wilson's question seems oddly out of place, like there's something I missed. I'm not saying it isn't fantastic, though. It actually is. I don't think it's all that possible for something of yours to be anything less than fantastic, because your writing style is so pleasing and natural.

Who knows? Maybe I'm just put off my the length. Short stories were never really my thing. I just feel like there's something in this that I missed, and it doesn't have the same impact that your other stories did.

That being said, I resent the fact that something I say isn't your best is better than my best. So, here's to you.
lew chapter 1 . 8/4/2007
Interesting. I need to think about it first. I don't hate it, it's good, but I need to sort it out for me.
Miriam chapter 1 . 8/4/2007
I really loved this fic. I thought it was especially cool that, even though the piece is nominally told through Wilson's perspective, most of the fic focuses on someone else. That is pretty much how I see Wilson's life.
Izzbella91 chapter 1 . 8/3/2007
Wow, this was one of those really great stories that kind of sneak up on you. I loved the ambiguity and the kind of surrealness. Also, the description and then comparing them to angels. Really fantastic fic.