Reviews for Reminiscence
dsolo chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
So sweet. It brought tears to my eyes. Very Kaylee, trying to fix everything. I never thought about what going back to the ship must have been like. Poor Zoe. Good job.
impeccableblahs chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
oh wow..

that was beautifully written.

the words about book and his strawberries, and zoe's breaking down at seeing her husband were very touching. i'm putting you in my c2, if you don't mind :D
Aradia Star chapter 1 . 6/24/2008
That was really sweet. I can see the crew's dynamics changing after the losses- after all, everyone balanced each other out.

I did notice a few grammar errors- there's a few places you're missing an apostrophe.