Reviews for DOALS Chapter II If Tomorrow Never Comes
Lilou004 chapter 10 . 7/19
Wow! I'm gonna find and read the next part! This was just awesome!
Crazy4JAG chapter 10 . 4/20/2016
Another wonderful installment. I feel so bad for Mac, she finally has everything she ever wanted and now Harm might not even make it! As many times as Harm was close to death, its about time he finally "let go" and did what he should have done in the first place!
Crazy4JAG chapter 6 . 4/19/2016
Oh my! another fantastic installment, but will have to continue reading tomorrow. I can't believe it hasn't even occurred to Mic that Mac would be going after him!
Anonny chapter 3 . 10/10/2014
Before I comment, I decided to use 'Anonny' as my name before I knew someone else had called themselves that and made some very unkind comments to another author. I'm not that Anonny.

I've worked my way this far through this story group and as I finished the page, a thought occurred to me and I decided to comment.

I've read a story by someone else (can't remember who) that had me going nuts with how the story just seemed to drag and drag. Can't remember the story line either but I remember that their idea was great but the telling was so tedious. You go into a lot of detail the way the other author did, in regards to what people are thinking, but the story doesn't feel tedious so congrats to you. It's quite readable and interesting - I think the interaction and thoughts of A.J. and Clay at the end of this chapter demonstrate that.

Now... on I go!
Semaphore chapter 10 . 8/7/2012
Oh, no... -you don't believe in happily ever after, do you? Pulling the rug from under our feet at the last minute... -but I love the way you are involving everyone on land and on the ship (AJ on the phone to Mac, worring about Harm's family, Mac talking to Reed about Harm's grandfather, father and brother). Always reminding us that this isn't happening in a vacuum.
And Mic and Renée are figuring out what is going on -I really feel for them, that's not the way they should find out about it. *scurries out to find chapter III*
Semaphore chapter 7 . 8/7/2012
"Marry me."
*stares at screen openmouthed* Leave it to Harm to propose to her when he's half dead. That was entirely unexpected at this moment!
I said I didn't want a follow-up story to DOALS I, but looking at your stories I found them under the acronym and happily read on :-). Again, I really enjoy the twist you give to the well-known plot. Mac instead of Skates getting through to him and getting him to cling to life. In this chapter you divert from the original plot, but it's done skillfully and none of the characters seem to be, well, out-of-character. Although I fear that Harm and Mac are going to suffer big time for this... -let's face it, they were both unfaithful to their partners, and even though Mic and Renée might feel that they have no chance anymore, they shouldn't let them get away with it. I have to say I like the way you are drawing the "minor characters" here -no demonizing Mic or ridiculing Renée.
angeliena chapter 10 . 6/23/2012
So good!

You're so good at writing emotions!

Thank you
starryeyes10 chapter 10 . 4/15/2008
great story
The King 43 Richard Petty chapter 1 . 11/25/2007
just getting my favoirte stoires on my favorite list and i was wondering if there was a DOALS ChapterI?
sizzy-bizz chapter 1 . 11/14/2007
hi, I've read your story witch i love but were is chapter 1. I can't find DOALSS chapter 1
kiwi chapter 10 . 6/28/2003
Hey, I just wanted to say that you're whole series of the three stories is really good. They're very well-written and I enjoyed them. Keep up the good writing! :)
Sunday1 chapter 10 . 6/25/2003
That was one of the best stories I have ever read you are a very talented writer and I can't wait to read your next story!
The Bard chapter 1 . 6/6/2002
Absolutely amazing. You are a truly gifted writer.
Jasmine Barber chapter 10 . 6/6/2002
Please continue this story. I like how you've wriiten it so far. I hope you can make it a happy ending.
thedorkygirl chapter 10 . 6/6/2002
Great! It's updated on ! I'm so excited! Tracy, I love your stuff. You are a very gifted writer. I don't know how many times in the past that my dear friend Jeanne and I have IM'd each other going, "DOALS UPDATE!" I scream when I see updates. And now that you've got up to speed, I can go back and read and re-read.

This series . . . amazing. You take all the characters and intricately draw them away and push them towards each other. You know where to prod them to make them seem real and true to the show.

So, simply said, wonderful job.
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