Reviews for Sweet Tooth
WithOutWordsIFall chapter 14 . 7/16/2015
Please please please update this story. I really love it and am dying to know what happens. Oh, and my guess for who the professor is that called Naruto in chapter 13 is Orochimaru. I'm pretty sure I spelled his name wrong though.
By the way I'm a huge fan of this couple, especially when Naruto is older and more experienced (don't know why I prefer it that way), so thank you so much for writing this story. It is my favorite out of all your works.
sdfghjklkjhg9 chapter 4 . 8/21/2014
Fuck Sasuke. c:
narugirl44 chapter 14 . 9/13/2013
i love ur chapters and prequels! i think it would be interesting and funny if u somehow added the easter and halloween prequels in the actual story like if they somehow ended up remembering that they've all met before ahahahahaha xD
MustKillSasuke chapter 5 . 4/3/2013
I love love LOVE this chapter! When are you coming out with chapter 15?! I so don't want it to stop now, not after you explained the initial chemistry at Halloween... I'm so addicted to this story... I don't think even I could finish it like you could. I'm so jealous of your ideas and grip on drama... (tearful) I hope Gaara gets what he deserves at the end of this. (I will always love you Gaara-sama! Naruto better not hurt him!) Also what going to happen with Gaara and Kyuubi? It would be interesting to see Kyuubi rival with his brother for Gaara's affections... I was also thinking of writing my own fanfiction, so any advice someone like you could give would be fantastic! My email is and if you send me a message regarding this I would be most honored. :3 Please continue for the sake of the fans and take your time with chapters as needed; the time you take really ups the quality and drama. Your story is one of the few that is coherent and well thought out from the back story to the social problems... Eek, I love it sooo much! I really look forward to hearing from you. /


P.S. Always support GaaNaru! The world needs more yaoi!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/30/2013
Are you ever going to continue this story? You've done a tremendous job with pacing and lengthening out the chapters, and since I'm not too hung up on one-shots, this is my latest guilty indulgence... I think the plot has a lot of potential, and I'm just DYING to see Sasuke get what's coming to him. Gaara seems so much more innocent that any 17 year old... Being around Naruto's age in this story, I love that. SO CUTE! I love your style. 3 And I also love the depth and development, along with those not-too-explicit yaoi moments. I hope to be reading more very soon. :)
Magical Mistress Sarai chapter 14 . 2/3/2013
Sigh... and yet another unfinished, incomplete story. I really do need to stop reading things that don't have -complete- attached to them in some way, because this is really disheartening. This story has been abandoned for 2 years. There really is no point in reviewing it or giving it critique.

If you update it, I'll give you a review then. For now, I'll just say that I liked where you were going with it, but the potential remains unfulfilled.

Hope that something happens with this story in the future.
Emi Fumiko chapter 14 . 5/10/2012
i Love love love your story. Hope you update soon.
LoveNeverWantedMe chapter 14 . 4/22/2012
It makes me sad that this story was never finished. I still would like an ending after all this time. I really used to enjoy getting updates for this fic. Please consider coming back?
raindownchaos chapter 14 . 2/11/2012
please keep writing this story! its an amazing story it diserves to be finished
raindownchaos chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
come on! this is my favorite narugaa story! write ore chapters plz! im begging
yaoihaven chapter 14 . 1/21/2011
awww i love ur stories this one has to be mi fav tho cuz of the whole love triangle thing anyways i wanted to say just i guess keep making em and uhm pluheezz make another chapter x) i cant go too long wif out it.
Iamhappytojustbealive chapter 12 . 12/16/2010
I was just browsing through fanfics and imagine my surprise when I see that you updated this story a couple of months ago. XD I really like this story and I hope you continue to update.
CassieRayAnne chapter 14 . 11/10/2010
I need more of this story! I love the way you make the characters in this story,and I have to say I'm liking this Kyuubi-Gaara thing you got goin' on...*Hint hint*
I.Walk.Threw.Walls chapter 11 . 11/7/2010
I absolutely adored this chapter, but towards the end, I threw a the whole freaking circus at you! I just thought you should know that. XD but I still love this story!
TigrezzTail chapter 14 . 11/6/2010
OH, man talk about too sweet! OF course if you were going for that sort of corny pun as a reaction, then congratulations! I do like how your twisted mind thinks, though... ;)
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