Reviews for Drowning in the Tide
Mellarkios chapter 18 . 11/22/2013

"... the blue feather incident happened a year after Kai and Popuri's wedding." I know it's been six years, but what do you mean by that?
Or waaaaaait... does it mean that after the sentence, "I passed by the supermarket the other day." it means that it timeskips to one year later?
But it couldn't be Rick who ordered it!
... Who ordered it?
But it's Rick who speaks from behind Claire, right?
Wow I feel like I'm reading too much into that scene but it's too bittersweet aaahh.

The third to the last chapter reminded me of the last chapter (not epilogue) of Eden, a fanfiction about N and Touko from Pokemon Black/White. It went something like, "The walk through the Garden of Eden was long, harsh, and cruel, but the two lovers, hand in hand, got out. They were scratched, burned, and wronged, but they got out." or something like that but it was a great fanfic, and this is one too! Except it went for like 58 chapters... :O Both are amazing though!

Oh well... this was written when I was in first or second grade. :) It feels kind of wrong for me to read this, I don't even know why. Even the reviews written for the story had me furrowing my eyebrows!
inferioridiot chapter 10 . 11/22/2013
Popuri is always portrayed as Claire's best friend, and somehow, Popuri as Claire's best friend always annoys me.

I like how Claire is reacting to Popuri's annoying qualities. :D
inferioridiot chapter 4 . 11/22/2013
Why do I ship Rick and Claire. TT_TT
Tainted-Petals chapter 18 . 10/12/2012
Wow. Beuatiful. Simply beautiful. You are a gifted story teller. How you captured so many emotions in a single tale is amazing. And I would just like to say thank you for allowing us a chance to read such a story.
AyeeItsMee chapter 18 . 8/1/2012
This.. Not only was this story amazing, flawless, beautiful etc. but it made such a great impact in my life. I read this about a year ago, & its because of this story, I was able to let go of my first love. Thank you so much. Anywho, words can't express how much I love this story. I actually felt as if I was Claire, like if I was feeling all the emotions she did. Bravo, very few authors can do that :). I strongly suggest a sequel, but that's entirely up to you. Beautiful story. I get tired of reading about happy endings, so it was nice to read some angst .
- Jenny
XiaoLynX chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I really love this story, so tragic! But I love this kind of story! You're great! :)
Apples Parachute chapter 18 . 3/20/2012
Just simply looking at the title of this story again just pains me. This has been one of the stories that GREATLY affected me. A year ago, I was just a HM fangirl who needed to satisfy herself to keep the story in her mind living. And then, I read this. This story made me smile, cry like a small child and hold my breath in hope. This is just exceptionally good. The emotions were very well put into words. I'm just speechless. Even during random times of my day, I would remember reading the letter Claire saw in Popuri's room, and I'd always get this lump in my throat. It's been more than a year, and I'm still so affected with this. PLEASE KEEP WRITING. You inspire me so much. You are one of the reasons why I continued writing. THANK YOU.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/26/2011
This made me cry so much! :') I loved it though, keep up the good work!
Miyako T.H chapter 18 . 5/20/2011
My sister showed me this story, and let me tell you. I absolutely love it. And I've only played harvest moon a few times. That's saying something.

You ended this well, leaving room for the readers creativity to step in.

Princesskisses chapter 18 . 10/16/2010
Aieesh :(((((( suuper why popuri and kai? :( sniffle sniffle... If the whole story wasn't good I could have killed you already but it was soooo beautifully crafted, so delicate, so well created. how the emotions actually arise it was amazing :)) but I still would have preferred Kai and Claire, but hey! don't mind me :)) It was great truly I Heart you :))

Ipagpatuloy mo lang ang pagsisikap mo! :))
SweetieLove chapter 18 . 7/27/2010
Fianlly had a chance to review! :D

This is another tragic story that I'll trade for a million dollars. Each chapter all constitued on our own life's basis and an angsty perspective on different expression and meaning actually made this story all the more interesting. I absolutely loved it above all the rest. You made romance a new genre for me, something worthwile reading after all.

You realy worked hard on this, as to I am quite surprised you can finish a chapetr in one week without any mistakes on you part. Please continue your passion and update soon.. :D

Happy, Happy Vega

HinataSnow16 chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
Wow! I loved the story though I wished that Kai and Claire could get married or Claire Screams that Popuri was not worth Kai's time or Kai dumps Popuri for Claire.

I know that I'm being so overeacting over this ending n u all should know that I LOVE Kai and HATE Popuri.

The story could at least end with Kai and Claire kissing for the last time before he departs.
Ranunculus chapter 18 . 12/25/2009
Honestly, I didn't know what to expect for the ending. This was beautifully written. It was kind of emotional, but had its moments when I couldn't help but laugh. I don't remember what chapter it was but Claire was on the beach and Rick approached her. Claire said something about Popuri looking for him and Rick said something like, "She'll find me eventually. Shouldn't be too hard considering we live in the same house." I. Cracked. Up.
TheBrokenQuill chapter 18 . 12/14/2009
I love this story.

I love the accompanying Jack-Karen/Cliff-Ann/Rick-Claire/Kai-Claire side stories.

I love the different, darker sides and pasts of the different HM characters here.

I normally don't like stories in first person narrative, but this story, now...this story, written in first person narrative totally made my heart go out to Claire and the other grieving girls and guys. All the characters are realistic and are not simply borrowed personalities from the game - their depth makes the story an incredibly awesome read, especially those few paragraphs of every chapter that gave me food for thought. This story has given me a new perspective on many thank you for writing it.

I'd say more, but I think I'm rambling.

This story is definitely what other HM stories should strive to be.

Much love. 3
The Scarlet Sky chapter 18 . 8/16/2009
I have never blocked anyone before, nor have I ever felt the need to publicly address someone for behaving childishly on my stories, but I believe there is a first for everything. And I’d like to apologize for doing this publicly but I feel it’s needed. The reviewer in question clearly doesn’t mind making a spectacle of herself, anyway.

Darling, doesn't it even strike you as ironic that I gave a more thought-out response to your two lines of a review than you did to over forty thousand words of story? I'm not saying you're an idiot. I am saying, though, that you're quite rude.

I hope you enjoyed trolling me for a little while. I’m sure it must have been fun to provoke the perfectionist writer while it lasted. I’ll admit, I believed you were just being annoying at first, but honestly who has the time or energy to return to someone’s story (that they didn’t like) only to complain and insult a stranger on the internet? Hey if that’s how you spend your time, good for you, who am I to judge? I write and stick things on a fanfic website, after all.

But troll or no troll, I spent five months writing that. You spent two minutes reading only the last chapter, then less than a minute more to crash it down. Yeah, I’m a bit offended. And then you choose to reply to other reviewers and myself on my review page. I don’t need your crap littering my stories, and even though my email inbox isn‘t much better, I‘d much prefer that. But of course you knew that.

Play your games with someone else who feels like playing along. I really don’t feel like wasting my time anymore on you, and I apologize to anyone who wasted their time defending me. I think all of us have better things to do.

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