Reviews for A Citizen of Both Worlds
Forged in Melancholy chapter 7 . 3/18/2011
I'm waiting in anticipation for the next chapter!
Tony555 chapter 7 . 6/13/2010
i really liked this i cant wait for the next chapters
Frozen-Fortune chapter 7 . 1/31/2010
As good as always! I just love reading your stuff, it gets me motivated.

I just had to laugh at the name of Jin's horse X3
Chaos Dragon-Fox chapter 7 . 1/12/2010
Yay! More Jin goodness! I love Jin and I find your backstory for him so cool! Are you going to do Touya after JIn, or somebody else?
ai12love chapter 7 . 1/9/2010
wo! i heart JIn!
Kurama111 chapter 6 . 11/7/2009
It's been like a year since you updated! Is this story on hold? What happened? Are you still alive? I hope so.

I really like your story idea. I think that for Rinku, since he is still a kid, that Chu or the rest of the group should be with him. Maybe they can find out something bad about Rinku's past. or something. But please update again! Your story is really good. :)
Chaos Dragon-Fox chapter 6 . 4/25/2009
You so have to write more! this story is amazing and i really wanna know the rest of Jin's story! and i loved your take on Suzuka's past! i would never have thought of some things, like Suzuka's hatred of old people could have stemmed from an old matchmaker!
OctoberTalisman chapter 6 . 2/5/2009
You never update, do you?
Frozen-Fortune chapter 1 . 12/13/2008
Like I said before, I just can't get enough of your stories. Don't be too surprised if you end up with like 10 messages about me doing stuff like adding and reviewing your stuff. I'm an obsessive freak, and I use your stories to fuel my inspiration!

I love how you make the backgrounds fit the characters. It's just so believable.
LaLa chapter 6 . 8/31/2008
Hurry, update please! I want to learn more about jin!
Nikole chapter 6 . 5/4/2008
I love your work! You are a great writer! I look forward to your next chapters! Take care of yourself && I wish you the best!
CyberD chapter 5 . 10/9/2007
very good.
Call Me Blue chapter 5 . 10/8/2007

Oh my gosh. You know how to keep someone bouncing in their seat, don't you?

You better write fast T_T I love the dialogue the guys exchange in the waiting room. Very funny. Lol.

Write *spurs with pitchfork*
Ryoukko-kai chapter 4 . 10/8/2007
Wow...nice conclusion. It kept completely true to him and everything. _ Great! Of course, his whole Toguro thing was hysterical, even if you didn't intend it to be. Dead drunk and taking on the toughest apparition in the whole of Human World... kind of like a little bitty parakeet attacking a big dog (which mine actually has done... go figure). Well, I ramble, so, great job! _
Call Me Blue chapter 4 . 10/8/2007


Oh, mygosh. You did this so well, that I'm squirming to hear more! I completely forgot that Sazuka had a grudge against Togurgo, you did that scene really well also.

One lil question though, in this time period, did they have blue jeans? O_o

Lol, me being picky.

Okay! Great work, and keep it up!

*dons cheerleader out fit again and does a hurky* Go, SIren~

Hahahaha. You love my dorkiness
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