Reviews for Contamination
AyakoA-chan chapter 27 . 7/19
AyakoA-chan chapter 26 . 7/19
You know what? Crazy as it sounds...I think Malik is the source. Why else would he have played such a significant part in the first half of the story? He even had a lot of time from his POV. So, crazy as it sounds, I think I Malik is the source. Or it could just be hopeful wishing to have him back in the story, I really do love that snarky sassy Egyptian.
chikkampli chapter 1 . 1/4
oh god, i remember when lemon and lime was a thing...this is nostalgic!
burstenna chapter 7 . 4/1/2019
After a few chapters...and to say I reached this part... it feels like their not even trying to locate that power source and instead are looking for the angels/demons that is also looking for it. It would be fine if their goal was to locate the demons to use them to find the power source if those demons knew where it is, since they assume that the other side has it. I like the interactions... but maybe this isn't just my cup of tea. A nice idea/plot nonetheless it's just their ALL not in their heads to accomplish their mission. I suppose that's what your doing side railing from the original goal.

Sorry, that I only ended up in this chapter.. I would push myself to finish it, but it's not entertaining me anymore the further I read. My curiosity is just lost the further I read to the next chapter. Interactions between them to get the ship moving along is great, but my curiosity isn't there anymore. :(
Letainajup chapter 30 . 2/1/2017
I been going on a binge reading your Yugioh stories! I really liked your style and portraying the guys in different plots and scenarios to fall for each other again...or cause misery - either one it was awesome! lol This Demon/Angel one was friggin amazing! I might be more biased for Bakura and Ryou but because of your character development I was also rooting for your Yami and Yugi (I never really read much on them till now). And of course Marik and his love woes, though I do enjoy the angst with his situation with Bakura! Just wanted to say, you ROCK, and thanks again!
Mistoka chapter 30 . 11/21/2016
This was really good
Etaka chapter 30 . 4/16/2015
This was a very good angel AU! I liked how you made it unexpected from the very start, by making Ryou a demon, etc. it was very smart. Also like the whole universe you set up, and how your action scenes were exciting but not too long. You've done a really good one this time :3
AmethystUnarmed chapter 28 . 4/4/2015
This is fantastic. Seriously, this is such a great story. Often times, people think badly of fanfics and often times that bad reputation is well deserved but this is so good. You made Malik make sense. You made Mokuba make sense! You make the transformation of Bakura from thief king to yami MAKE SENSE! You went beyond the realm of fanfiction and AU to create a full fledged, flawless universe and story. I am actually pissed that fifty shades became a legit story and this didn't. This is a masterpiece in writing and damn, I am proud to have read it and am going to read everything you've ever written now
Lexie H chapter 30 . 3/22/2015
*sniff sniff* It's over...
Well, at least I got the vast amounts of 'Shipping love to heal the open wounds from the previous chapter lol.

I readily await the reading experience of your next story, I just downloaded it before I started this review.

So all in all, very original, you mixed the characters well (see my chapter 1 review for what I mean by 'mixing characters' lol); each had their own story, each was unique, and really even it's an AU story there was very little OOC. It's wonderful, you're writing style is good, not ridiculously long to describe something but still able to bring it to life; not to mention you're wonderful with writing 'intimate' scenes without it being way to hot and heavy for the 'little bit' that's happening... Ok I'm rambling, it was a great story, if I had a account I would so favorite it, but since I don't I can't, I'll just settle for keeping it on my iPod for when I'm having a bad day and need a dose of awesomeness D
Lexie H chapter 29 . 3/22/2015
There better be some MASSIVE 'Shipping cuddles going on next chapter because I've been emotionally torn apart that entire chapter so I'm expecting gooey-ness to make up for it lol
Lexie H chapter 28 . 3/22/2015
I totally face-palmed with the Bakura and Malik scene...
Even being crazy Bakura still has no tact, but it was still funny despite the situation lol
Lexie H chapter 27 . 3/22/2015, using my not-even-close-to-Sherlock's-level of deduction skills, and my book worming abilities, I think I'm starting to see where this is going *eyebrow wiggle* and I wasn't even halfway through the chapter [Scout's honor lol]

- And yes, I was right... I won't say what it is in case someone's reading reviews before reading this AWESOME story; I feel greatly accomplished :P
Lexie H chapter 26 . 3/22/2015
YES! Finally, a whole entire half a chapter of PuppyShipping, and I must say it got quite delicious quite fast XD ; which is good because we've had nice scenes of the other couples but not of these two, but now we did so its all good... Plus these two knew how to use the 'limits' of their human forms to work in their favor whereas the others didn't know what the other truly was and had to stop.. quite abruptly lol
Lexie H chapter 25 . 3/22/2015
So I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing during the part where Jou was rescuing Mokuba.. Then I just got all warm and fuzzy when Kaiba was thanking him; and of course their few short moments of working-hard/basically cuddling lol
Lexie H chapter 24 . 3/22/2015
Holy freakin bejeus! I do believe I can say "sh*t has now hit the fan!" lol
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