Reviews for His Dream Of Skyland One: How High The Moon
AacornSoup chapter 11 . 3/9
The 11th Japanese Army was based in Hubei in 1940 (having fought in the 1938 Battle of Wuhan), and the 17th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army (the "Moon Division", how ironic considering Zhao is the commanding officer) was due to head back to Japan in July of 1940. This I found out after doing some quick research on where various IJA formations were in June 1940.

What is Zhao and his Division doing at the Manchukuo-Mongolia border? A layover?
The Little Chibi chapter 20 . 12/6/2016
This is absolutely brilliant. The amount of detail you've included? And I don't know if this is historically accurate or not, but either you did a fuckton of research or you're really good at bullshitting, because I didn't question any of the background for a second while reading this. And the characters! I love how you've written the characters so much. 10/10 the best "real world" AU I've read, will definitely come back for a reread at some point.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/19/2015
"To Be Continued"... gotta admit, I'm more than just a bit disappointed to see this journey come to an end so soon. Relatively speaking, of course-it's very satisfying to have gotten to read so much great content, even if it wasn't continued. Despite not having the rest to read, you put foreshadowing and hints of things to come all throughout, and I greatly enjoyed guessing at them. My very favourite is Azula; how in the world does she know everything? Perhaps, just perhaps, it's a little bit similar to a certain young monk.

Erm, anyway, thank you, thank you for sharing this. It's been a great trip that I intend to re-read. :]
crosswire chapter 7 . 10/14/2014
I've only read to Chapter 7, and even then I was skimming because I've been awake for quite a while, but I'm completely captivated by this story. The details, the descriptions, just the set up and the premise are amazing!

Please continue writing this!
Cepheus Noir chapter 20 . 1/1/2014
Just wondering if your promise at the end is still valid...if not thank you for the story thus far, It was pretty well thought out (cept Istanbul not Constantinople came out in 53') and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The VW Man chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
My word! No reviews in two years! This can't be good. Well I just wanted you to know that despite the fact that this masterpiece is probably dead (and through no fault of your own (I hope,life happens, right? )),I still enjoyed it and wanted to send this little shove your way so that maybe when you find some spare time from work our your life on general that you might have some compassion on is likely readers and actually finish the stor y. Unfortunately I miss our on the untranslated dialogue (so maybe you could translate it for us unilinguals).well, I wish you luck, whatevever you're doing.
FirePony16 chapter 20 . 11/7/2010
Please finish? This is a really really awesome story and so different. Please?
BD chapter 10 . 8/14/2010
Your grasp on this time period is impressive...
BD chapter 8 . 8/14/2010

I would subscribe if you were still updating, and if I had an account on .
Guile chapter 20 . 7/21/2010
Delightful, really. There's enough of the character of the show here that it's familiar, but you've infused it with so much of your own work and a healthy dose of realism... in it's own way, it's every bit as enjoyable as the show.

Pity it's dead, but we can't have everything, and it was a pleasure to read.
Assamite chapter 20 . 6/8/2010
Let me tell you - I'm a huge fan of the East Asian theater of WW2, and also somewhat of an Avatard. Now you've combined both of these, and therefore in my mind, this is full of win. It's very apparent that you did EXTENSIVE research, and I appreaciate that. Loved the use of languages and Translation Convention. Also dug Sokka being into swing, as I am a jazz man myself. (Now I have this image of Sokka and Suki wildly swing-dancing...) If any AU fic deserves fanart, it's this!

This chapter in particular: Foamy and Istanbul (not Constantinople)! I'm just wondering why 白鱔 is where it is, actually. (In modern day Inner Mongolia, I presume.) Is it THAT close to their original spot? It might as well have been in southern China, but I suppose we shouldn't make Zuko's chase TOO hard.

Also, just what is Ozai's role in this? He's no longer the sovereign ruler, so he's...

Looking forward to the next part!
Assamite chapter 12 . 6/7/2010
"Ma qi!" the young man implored Sokka to hush in Mandarin Chinese.

"Ma qi" doesn't remind me of ANYTHING in Mandarin. Perhaps you meant "An jing" or "bi zui"?

"Very well, you realise our natural state," Sokka admitted defeat in slightly broken Mandarin before jabbing a finger at the intruder, "but I notice you fly-fish around saying your natural state. You should not think of selling our essence to Japanese marketplace."

"why, yes, my good knife-edge!" The Mongolian had meant to say 'man',

You win fifty internets. I could just imagine Mongol!Sokka saying this in the way foreigners butcher tones: "很好,你知覺我們的自然狀態,但我看覺你飛魚圍你的自然狀態. 你不可想賣我們的精向日本市場."

As for the second line: Were was he speaking (or attempting to speak) Mandarin or Russian? Because in Mandarin, "knife-edge" 刃 and "man" 人 differ only by tone. (ren2, and ren4 respectively)"是,我的好刃!"

Hooray for exploiting Translation Convention!
Magma-Dragoon chapter 20 . 2/18/2010
Hey, I might have said this before but i consider you by far the best writer of fanfiction I have ever read. And when I say by far I mean FAR! That's why I came back to read your story again after such a long time.

Now, I know it's been a long time since you updated and I know it's none of my business what you do with your life, but considering how much effort you've put into this and how much I bow before your writing, I'd like to ask, if it wouldn't trouble you much, if you have intentions of writing fanfiction again. If you stop for whatever reason I honestly wish best of luck in whatever, but if you stopped just for lack of motivation I tell you, what you're writing here is high quality stuff and you should be proud to have such talent. Therefore, unless this really is imcompatible with the direction your life has taken these past few years, I beg of you to continue this brilliant story. I hope you don't mind sending me feedback on this if you read it. I'd just really like to know why you stopped.

Your attention is very appreciated, thanks.
Aaiero chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
I just read your story again, and its even better the second time!

Please don't stop... unless you really have to... but then I'd be sad.
Aaiero chapter 20 . 11/29/2009
Are you gonna finish this story?

It's so cute, and I'm really looking forward to another chapter! It's so cool how you made it modern, but not really. I love how you tied it all together.

Plus, you promised you wouldn't abandon this story.

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