Reviews for Fear Itself
pepperxxx chapter 22 . 10/13/2013
I love the way you write Claude, it makes the story so fun.
I really like your stories actually. Normally I don't like oc but you manage to really create good new characters.
JohnlovesTampaBay chapter 6 . 5/21/2012
I like the progression...a little "guy talk" going on here that's really cool, but the word "Schmoopy?" that's classic!
JohnlovesTampaBay chapter 5 . 5/9/2012
I'm starting to see some plot twists between here and the previous chapter. By the way, I LOVED the "Monet Meets Nostradamus" concept with the prophecy painting! That's both inventive and original.

One thing I'm not quite sure of, maybe it's just me not paying attention enough: is Sylar Ava's love interest, or Alexandria and is this an "alternate reality" thing a la "Fringe"? Like I said I probably read too fast through before - I'll reread the previous chapters and figure it out. Otherwise well done, and I'm looking forward to your ORIGINAL fiction :)!
JohnlovesTampaBay chapter 4 . 5/1/2012
Interesting approach - and I loved the little "no homework" prank pulled on Claire, I half expected you to have her shed her skin in anger! Well done!
JohnlovesTampaBay chapter 3 . 4/28/2012
Interesting approach with Aaron and Alexandria. The passion is so thick you can cut it with a knife, and then Alexandria snaps like some sort of nuts, until the Sylar reference is dropped, tying it all together. Nice touch!
JohnlovesTampaBay chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
NICE! I'm very impressed with the flow and overall feel of this chapter. I really loved "Holy Jumpin' Jesus!" In all honesty, now I"m kicking myself that I haven't read more over the years!
Synch chapter 43 . 11/20/2011
Wow. My only regret is that it took this bloody long (6 months?) to read and review this chapter.

Yet another awesome chapter. No major action, but every chapter can't be action or you lose the power. This one was awesome because of the collection of little moments in it, because of the heart you put into it. Amazing job! Update soon, please?
mel chapter 43 . 6/29/2011
Oh you have to update this fic! Everything is picking up, the beginning of the story and the end.
smithsbabe65 chapter 43 . 2/22/2011
What a nice little reprieve before the harrowing events to come.

There's nothing like family, friends and a slice of Americana to remind people of exactly what they're about to fight for, what they would die for if deemed necessary.

The flashbacks still continue to entertain me as you give us more insight into Ava's life a Company Girl. Simon Lopez turned out to be a real major douche, not that I'm surprised or anything. What did throw me for a loop was how he was being played by Linderman and Angela. You really can't pull the wool over the eyes of those two, can you?

My heart went to Ava when she was given the news of Eden's death. It was a sad moment indeed. It must have just terrible for Noah to have to deliver such bad tidings.

Angela keeps me stitches. One moment she's this trim and proper dragon lady then the next she's flipping Parkman the bird. That made me howl! How funny.

Well, the hours are winding down before Mr. Big and Nasty shows up on their doorstep. I can't wait to read how our team will bring him down with hopefully little to no casualties. *keeps fingers crossed*
HermioneandMarcus chapter 43 . 2/18/2011
excellent chapter update and i can not wait to read more of it as soon as you can write it please and thank you
Blackdove13 chapter 42 . 2/16/2011
This is WonderfuL! I just finished reading it and I can not get over the caliber of writing you've kept through 42 chapters! I'm excited to see where this will go in the next 8 chapters! Thank you for sharing this, it's truly a mastpiece.
Synch chapter 42 . 2/1/2011
Thank God you're back. I was starting to worry you'd dropped this. lol

And for the first update in a long time, it was damn good. Characters are still exactly in character- something that's not always easy with an extended absence from writing (one of the problems I'm having with Fractures at the moment).

Now, hurry up and post more. I love this story and can't wait to see which way it goes.
smithsbabe65 chapter 42 . 2/1/2011
Great chapter, love! And thanks for the quick update. I guess you're making up for lost time, eh?

Anyway...I'm still fascinated by the flashbacks. In fact they seem even more compelling than what's going on in present day. Don't get me wrong, the impending show down with Kane still holds my interest. But Ava's life as Company Girl is really kick-a$$. I have feeling though that Simon is playing double agent. What was with the 20 questions all of a sudden?

If the Company's dealings no longer concern him he should leave well enough alone, right? I smell a rat...

I see our team of heroes are still training hard (as they should be) for the big rumble. I'm a little worried about Matt though. His mental skills still need work and he's nowhere near as powerful as Maury was. He'll have to step up his game in the next 4 days if he wants to tangle with Kane.

And Angela, still manipulating everyone to get her way. She holds all the cards it seems to Sylar's fate and she's leaning toward execution. NOT GOOD! Let's keep our fingers crossed that she'll have a last minute change of heart.

I see you haven't lost your touch! Superb work as always.
smithsbabe65 chapter 41 . 1/31/2011
Whew! I had busy, busy weekend so I had to sneakily read this at work this morning. But what a read, well worth the long, long wait.

I've certainly missed this story and the misadventures of your heroine, Ava. Her interesting past how she touched of the lives of some many of our familiar and favorite character. I'm especially keen our her special relationship with Claude. His protectiveness of her is so sweet.

The touching moments with Charles brought a tear to my eye. It's so sad to see such a great and poweful man felled by the ravages of illness. I'm glad that Ava got to say her good-byes before he succumbed to the cancer that was eating him alive.

And in the "present" it looks like "Hiro and friends" (love that by the way) have devised a solid plan on how to vanquish and depose of Kane. But...will they be able to execute their plot with Kane gaining ground every day unbeknownst to them? His sudden arrival in Barrow will certainly throw a monkey wrench into the whole deal. But with Sylar on their side, I'm almost certain they will prevail. They have to or all is lost.

Great to have you and this story back. Can't wait for the next update on this and hopefully "The Furies" too.
OnyxRiver chapter 41 . 1/29/2011
She's BAAAAAAAACK! And what a triumphant return to the pen! It is nice to see this story again! I have really missed this and all of your work!

I admit I had to browse back through the last 40 chapters of this to refresh my memory, but it was worth it.

THIS was amazing! From the back story to the "present". The moment with Eden/Sarah calling each other by their birth names was priceless.

The plan to destroy Kane..LOVE IT! Teleporting 1000 years into the future...hey boys...while you're there check into Yahoo stock!

And speaking of Mr. Kane, it sounds like the next chapter hell is about to break loose. I can't wait to see where this goes!

No more 2 year hiatus's for you! Get to work!
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