Reviews for Discoveries
ApritelloForever chapter 24 . 1/25/2019
This. Was. AMAZING! I absolutely loved it! It had a great ending too. :D
GalitMirav chapter 24 . 11/15/2017
I apologize for never reviewing this story but it's been on my favorites list for a long time. It's excellent!
Guest chapter 24 . 4/25/2017
se forem fazer um filme do He-Man seria ótimo se você se voluntariasse para ajudar com o roteiro, é uma ótima Fanfic
Heart of the Demons chapter 24 . 12/8/2014
Another "He-Man" story well written. You certainly took your time in letting those in Adam's life other than Man-at-Arms, the Sorceress, Adora/She-Ra, and Orko learn that His Highness is actually He-Man, Eternia's champion. And I'm especially proud of the way you're writing Adam and Teela's relationship - it's a pretty complicated one, one that feels so realistic and not at all hokey. The villains felt quite menacing, even Skeletor and that Darren guy. Maybe DC Comics should hire you to help out with their current "He-Man" series. ;)
TippyToe Zombie chapter 11 . 9/1/2013
Y'know it's kind of funny considering that according to the newer series the first sorceress was the queen of Eternia.

I am the TippyToe Zombie
I like to Limbo
Often I fall on people's heads
hooked chapter 24 . 8/6/2013
Bravo! You're one of my favorite authors for Adam/He-Man. This story is absolutely exquisite. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. Riveting beyond description. ...excellent work! Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us.
Emilly chapter 24 . 4/23/2013
This was a great chapter.
FromMyBackyard chapter 4 . 5/15/2011
You know, Teela has always driven me crazy with the way she acts toward Adam. I know that's how she was created, but darn it, if you love someone, you have to consider their side, and not be such a selfish "you know what" all the time.

I've always watched the show with an intense curiosity of how Adam feels about all of this, dying to see SOMEONE who didn't know suddenly shout out "Adam!" and make it all okay, as Marlena has done.

Thank goodness he has Marlena for a mother. She should have known from the beginning. Then maybe he wouldn't have struggled so much.

It's nice to see someone in the fandom offer the scenario. Being you're the only He-Man fictioner I've read, I can't say if anyone else is.
Decepticon Fan chapter 6 . 2/18/2011
Although I love this story, I can't help but feel that Teela is a little too angry with Adam. I mean, he had very good reasons why he kept the secret. His father yes, that's understandable.

Anyways, my favorite chapter is this one. Ch. 6. I found it rather funny how He-Man tossed Skeletor to Snake Mountain. XD

Oh well. I love this story!
Tivteryn chapter 3 . 12/29/2010
Quick question - did we ever find out why Cringer's personality transformed so much when he turned into Battle Cat and Adam's didn't? I always thought that was very interesting. Adora and She-Ra were very similar, so was Spirit and Swiftwind.
creativesm75 chapter 24 . 10/11/2010
Deathmvp chapter 24 . 5/23/2010
Great follow up story to this. I know you probly answer it in the next story in this line up but will there be a problem if they do not keep the promise to marry when he turns 25 as it is coming up soon.
Keronshara chapter 19 . 5/19/2009
Hasn't Adora, while a force captain for the Horde, killed people in battle, plus she helped to torture and enslave a planet. She more than Adam knows the feeling of having the blood of others on her hands, and both of them did not kill by choice (which is why she is on Etheria fighting with the rebellion instead of being with her family in order to right some of the wrongs she herself committed).
Windjammers chapter 18 . 6/2/2008
I keep coming back and re-reading this story. It is so good! I honestly didn't want it to end.
Teela71 chapter 1 . 5/17/2008
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