Reviews for What Was Left Unsaid
woopdiwoop chapter 31 . 1/10
So I know it's been nearly a decade since you updated, and you have probably long since abandoned this fic - but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still reading, and would be ecstatic if you ever came back to this.
MH chapter 2 . 12/29/2019
Okay I know this is a super old fic and you're probably not going to read this but the scene in chapter 2 where Craig gets belted is just harrowing. I've read a lot of fucked up shit but that was just... so disturbing. The way he just - I don't wanna say lied there and took it - but he was just so incredibly broken and dazed, like he was dissociating. And the way Albert was so matter a fact about it, almost ritualistic. It reminds me of the scene from the show where he chases Craig up the stairs and just kind of lightly knocks on his door with the golf club and keeps his voice so calm. That's so much scarier that someone who gets drunk and smacks you around.

God, Craig is just so beaten down in this fic, like he's so hollow and exhausted. Which is exactly what psychological and physical abuse does to you. I feel like the show made it seem like the beatings were the worst part but Albert was undeniably manipulative, even if the show didn't focus on it. And I feel like you took all of it and just took it up to eleven.
Artemis J. Potter chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
I love this so much. It’s one of my favorite Craig Manning/Degrassi fanfictions. It’s so well written and I love how you go deeper into Craig’s psyche, which I wish the show would’ve focused on more but I guess with all its characters and the heavy subject matters present (abuse, mental illness, drug addiction) it may not have been realistic for the writers to spend so much time on it. Still, I’m glad you did. This actually sort of inspired me to write my own rewrite of Craig Manning on Degrassi, which maybe I’ll publish one day...I’m hoping you’ll finish this one day ;)
Guest chapter 31 . 8/3/2018
These are so good! Please post chap. 32 If you ever wrote it!
thekingofelrey chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
I hope you still get notifications so you'll see this review. I know it's been a loooong time since this story was updated, but this is the best Degrassi fanfiction I've read (and reread) and I'd love to see a proper end to it some day. You obviously wrote it with great care so I hope you'll come back to it. But if not, thanks for writing a great fic! I love it.
Potterworm chapter 31 . 1/16/2016
I'm sad that this story seems to be abandoned, but I wanted you to know I enjoyed it immensely.
Butterbeer8 chapter 31 . 3/6/2015
Reading this makes me long for the original cast of Degrassi and back how the show used to be. Craig was one of my favorites and I really never liked how he went all rock-star. I liked how canon this felt since you incorporated actual episodes into the story while continuing what happens when Craig wasn't the main focus. This is really good and extends his arc with his dad much further than the series ever did. I hope one day you return to this, but still after all that you've written, you've already provided so much backstory to Craig that heavily lives up to his canon-portrayal, along with the other characters.
Patricia chapter 31 . 4/27/2014
Hey, I don't know if you will ever actually see this, but I really wish you would update this story. It's my favorite Degrassi story of all time and I really want to see an end to it.
Lyn chapter 31 . 2/6/2014
I see this was last updated over 2 years ago. Will you ever complete the story? I find it so moving. Please do!
Luna chapter 1 . 2/7/2012
Just wanted to say that I really love this fanfic. Thanks for that. Oh and nice artwork on your webpage. Luna
Amy chapter 31 . 12/5/2011
AMAZING! This story has me in edge every second!

Im begging you to' upload! PLEASE!

:D xxx
pinkperson chapter 31 . 10/16/2011
Wow. I honestly don't think I can express how much I love this story so far. I feel bad for not reviewing every chapter, but they're so long and it's so hard to sum up what I feel about every one of them, haha.

I really love your portrayal of Craig and Joey's relationship. So beautiful. Like Joey in the actual show, the one in this story isn't the perfect parent who's got all the answers. He has fears and regrets just like Craig; it's also great how you don't forget/ignore all the little moments that make an impact on us. You really get into the characters' heads. I liked Joey's thoughts at the end, that sometimes Craig almost even has him convinced that he wasn't abused. You make it easy for the reader to understand and sympathize with his hesitations. There is definitely a wrong way for a parent/friend to approach things like cutting, suicide attempts, and other self-destructive behavior and it can truly screw a kid up, even more so than what they're doing to themselves. That's what's sad about it. People who don't feel the urge to do things like that just don't understand, and you explain this so well through Joey and the people around Craig. I also liked how gradual and not rushed the development is - showing hints of the mental illness and Joey's denial of it.

I love the interactions between Craig and Angie as well. I hope there's more of those. It's nice to get a kid's perspective as well. Oh, and I hope Caitlin has a bigger part eventually. Although I don't remember her having a big part in the series.

I'm sad that it's been such a long time since you last updated, but I'm glad to see that you are planning on finishing this story.
pinkperson chapter 18 . 10/15/2011
Heh, this is way better than the Craig storyline in the actual show :P..Seriously, you really now how to tell a story and keep readers reading :)

Love the twist with his dad. So much better than how he really went out in the show (I think it was a car crash?).

Again, this is probably the most emotionally honest story about abuse I've read.
pinkperson chapter 6 . 10/14/2011
Wow, I'm very impressed so far. Although it's in the angst genre, it doesn't feel over-the-top at all. It seems like you've written this with a great deal of honesty, especially in regards to the emotions and reactions of those involved. It feels very real.
Crabbit chapter 31 . 5/3/2011
That was really good. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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