Reviews for Furor
sheetah chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
Great fic! One of the best I've read. I really love how you portrait her madness and absolute devotion.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
I loved your story! You've portrayed Bellatrix so beautifully. I love how you capture her insanity, her devotion to the Dark Lord, carving his mark into her skin to help her remember. I loved the part where the other Death Eaters join her chanting. Beautiful story!
Hpdwlotr24 chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
Wowza...that was really really good. Probably the best Azkaban Fic that I've read. I loved all the imagery and the part where they were all chanting. You captured her insanity and her devotion perfectly. It really sounded like her thoughts, especially since you capitalized He when talking about the dark lord. I love this fic, it was great!
The Terrible Jester chapter 1 . 9/15/2011
so dark... i love it...
deleted2012 chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
The beginning started off shakily, but it was worth it! I especially love the "can't remember, can't remember" repeating words. I also love her insane-ness, and the whole cell block yelling curses together. That broken unity of death eaters... wow. I love it.

x Smaginn
NonyMouse chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
Somehow I've never reviewed this before. I hope you can forgive me for this terrible oversight, because this is certainly not the first time I have read this fic, and I can't imagine it will be the last.

Every time I read this, I am struck by how beautifully you portray Bellatrix. She is so ragged and so torn by her insanity, and her journey through remembering and then forgetting again is so powerfully portrayed. I love the repetition of words and thoughts, and the image of her tearing at her skin to carve the memory into herself. It speaks greatly to her hopeless desperation with the way she repeats her questions so desperately and tries so hard to hold the memories close and carve them into her very skin. I also liked the part where they were all chanting in the cells. The way she visualized the words pouring from her lips and finding her master and giving him strength was very well done.

This is by far my favorite Bella-fic out of all that I have read. It's exactly how I imagine her character in a way I could never articulate myself.

Inkfire chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
Wow! It's so beautiful! I love it...
Attraversiamo chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
This is certainly one of the best insane Bella fics I've read. It's so heartbreaking it's almost humorous, like when you have to laugh in order to keep yourself from crying. Very powerful.
israeli-american chapter 1 . 12/5/2007 much anger, desperation, insanity contained in words, simple words...The part where they were all chanting had such intensity and strength...It made me shiver, it was so darkly scary...

The ending was also really good, and the way she kept repeating words...

Schizotypal chapter 1 . 11/17/2007
Beautifully captured insanity.

It's fantastic.

I love it.
Good Vibes chapter 1 . 10/24/2007
That was incredible. The Death Eater chanting in Azkaban in chilling, and I realy liked it. Her slowly turning insane, trying to remember for a little while, it was great. I hope you make a sequel of this.
Frayed Misfit chapter 1 . 10/9/2007
You have taken my breath away. This is a remarkable piece of writing, the way in which you have explored Bellatrix's isolation, madness and devotion is wonderfully resonating and realistic.

The image of the Death Eaters chanting in Azkaban was so haunting and reaching, so desperate. I wish I could give you a more constructive review but you really have just rendered me speechless.

Pure and transcending brilliance.

- Frayed
Peanuckle chapter 1 . 8/30/2007
This story gave me chills as I read it. You really painted a great picture of what life in Azkaban must be like. Excellent, excellent story.
Sir Drake's Heir chapter 1 . 8/8/2007
That was really intense. I adored it. The langauge was very vivid and the visuals were great.
RyanKathrynCelia chapter 1 . 8/7/2007
This is so powerful! And perfect for Bella,

Thanks so much for sharing!

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