Reviews for Once Bitten, Twice Human
Guest chapter 8 . 9/10/2016
I only liked the end and the funny joke!
babyvfan chapter 8 . 9/28/2015
It was certainly interesting though I'm a little confused on what happened
Chandra Migina chapter 8 . 3/27/2015
Wow great story

Had to think a little bit to get all the informations, but that's one crazy dream if say )

However I'm actually more happy that way. I don't like reincarnation, it always feels as if someone is left alone -.-"

And great writing. Also editing with the ideas and cursive. Really enjoyed it. And in the end they still had each other xD
Hhttppfanfic.c chapter 8 . 5/25/2014
Thanks for this! It was really intersting. I enjoyed myself!
sweetandspice chapter 8 . 4/22/2014
Really good I loved it!
Meg chapter 8 . 3/16/2014
Ahhh I love this story it's well written it's a really good plot and it's cute keep writing stories and I'll keep reading them XP
shadewatcher chapter 8 . 10/29/2013
Dawww! Poor Draco, needs his Harry to take care of him and make him all better. hmmm, i certainly wouldn't mind having a Yummy Slytherin of my own. lol XD Very cute! _
Pyrane chapter 8 . 12/5/2012
That was soooo HOT !
Thanks ;D

Stoic-Genius chapter 8 . 1/2/2012
This was nice. My thoughts kept on drifting toward how you were going to tie everything together, so I find the fact that it was a dream to be quite clever, and a fantastic ending to the events that transpired between the two of them.
Hi chapter 8 . 8/10/2011
I am absolutely speechless, that was faboulis.
abrainiac chapter 8 . 7/1/2011
This was the most amazing story.

Words completely fail me. I so wish that I could convey to you the depth of the emotion that this piece instilled in me. I very nearly stopped reading when I saw the bit about Draco having to make that impossible choice. It made me physically ache in my own heart.

I did get quite confused with the whole 'not completely a vampire' thing. And the wings? And the spell? Alas, it doesn't matter. I understood the story well enough, anyway.

This had almost an Inception-esque feel, what with waking up after an insanely long amount of time. I loved to be able to think that everyone will continue to be reincarnated (and end up with their soul mate, no less!), over and over again.

It nearly broke my heart with relief when Draco woke up

I know that you wrote this forever and a half ago, but I just wanted to tell you how much it moved me.

Thank you so much for writing this inspiring piece. You are truly a fantastic author.
Jayda-BlackRose chapter 8 . 6/22/2011

OMG! If I ever have a dream that lasted 400 YEARS! And I remembered it all I think I'd freak. Be grateful for the extra things I learned and got to do, but still totally flip out! Lol

Whoop! Gotta love Slashy Goodness. It was really well written. BottomHarry is the way to go. I dont mund reading TopHarry, but I think for your story it was definatly supposed to be this way.

VeelaDraco is great. But all the stories with him like that all seem to be the same kinda plot nowadays.

I really enjoyed your story :) x Well done. x
Jayda-BlackRose chapter 7 . 6/22/2011
Ok, Ok. So now Draco's a reincarnate. :/ But doesn't Blaise know that it's Draco.

I guess Harry and Draco are Soulmates. They always seem to find each other.

Jayda-BlackRose chapter 6 . 6/22/2011
Gotta be honest this chapter kinda confused me a bit. :/ I liked it and all, I just dont understand... Meh, Maybe the next one will help. :)

Jayda-BlackRose chapter 5 . 6/22/2011
I really wish someone would draw so art for this story. Not me of course cuz I suck at drawing.

Draco in his Vampire/Incubus Trance would be a good one.

Another would be Harry looking back with that all knowing smile. :D

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