Reviews for The Flying Dutchman
Caskett93 chapter 10 . 11/17/2015
I loved it!
Can't wait to read the sequel!
Sleepy lotus chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
Oh you made me tear up when cotton and his parrot died! Great opening, jack's got it bad...
InsomniaWaffle chapter 8 . 3/4/2014
Can I just say that I fucking love this story? Out of all the Sparrow Swan that I have read this is the best! It's not overly sappy, Elizabeth isn't out of character, and IT IS JUST FUCKING AMAZING!
Amazilia chapter 10 . 9/27/2013
Gee wiz this is well done. Thanks a lot for keeping me up all night when I've got to work in the morning! Can't wait to start on the second story tomorrow.
The Stupid is Always Possible chapter 10 . 7/3/2013
You managed to send me on a rollercoaster of emotions:

I started with swooning at Jack's flirting, then I melted at the adorable relationship between Jack and William, next you had me crying at Elizabeth's sacrifice, and finally you had me staring at the screen in shock of how amazing this was!

Such a well written story!
pirategal chapter 10 . 10/14/2012
i was checking some old sparrabeth fic and i came across this wonderful story. i have been reading it non-stop since the first chapter until the last one. God, this was such a heart-breaking story! i really liked how you portrayed Jack and Elizabeth and the way they got along. that was perfect! im going to read savarna after i get some sleep. Please continue writing n count me as one of ur fans!
wicked18writer chapter 10 . 7/11/2012
ChocolateChipCookie32 chapter 5 . 1/3/2011
I've read this story before and am reading it again. I love it! :) This chapter, (5) is my favorite!
DOC3 chapter 10 . 1/5/2008
Hi... I know you finished this several months ago, but I just now got it all read. I wanted to let you know it was a fantastic story and a brilliant look into the minds of these characters. Loved how you included the story of the original Dutchman as well. Definitely one of my favorite post-AWE stories.

JustAnotherAuthorDurping chapter 10 . 8/29/2007
So, it's around 4 AM when I am writing this. I stay up all night reading this.

Oh my gosh, you are an amazing writer. YOu capture the characters so well. Especially Jack, whom some people find difficult to capture. Your conversations flow between the characters realistically, and it is really just an amazing story.

Please, update soon. I am really eager to know what happens! Damn cliffhangers. xD

Oh, is this going to be continued through another 'book' or on this 'book'?

Daring Dreamer chapter 1 . 8/20/2007
This is a brilliant story. I have read to ch. 7 and I adore it. Very lovely job. :)
qirien chapter 10 . 8/18/2007
A tragic ending, though not really a sad one. Would Elizabeth and Will have worked it out? Perhaps, but where's the excitement (eg, Jack) in that? :-) I like how you told things truly and didn't bend the characters to your whim - you gave them situations and told what they would do.

Well-told, good characterization, nice descriptions, I really enjoyed it. Thanks!
Arraya chapter 9 . 8/17/2007
where did you get the story at the end? just wondering cuz I never knew there actually was a tale like that, and you said it was a shortened version...appreciate it if you let me know. Thanx!
Arraya chapter 8 . 8/17/2007
I'm not sure I understand Elizabeth's reaction. if Jack had said he DID mean it, would she have done anything differently? It didn't seem that way, judging by what she said, and yet after he said he didn't mean it, she was so upset, and it seemed for a second that if he had said he meant it,she would've considered...?what? being with him?
stretchingthelimits chapter 10 . 8/15/2007
Oh my goodness, i loved this story. It was really amazing. It makes everything make sense, and its sweet, ad touching, and i love will the third!
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