Reviews for XxpuppetmasterxX and LilMzSunshine
Guest chapter 3 . 1/1/2018
Hinata's family reminds me of mine. We love to roast each other
Ren Hyuga-Hyogo chapter 12 . 3/17/2015
The love I have for this story is unreal. I was angry at parts, laughing at others, and always ready to keep on reading! I was shocked when Kankuro was the one to put two and two together first... This story was... Zomg... Too...friggin...cute... LOVE IT! Bravo.
anijdc chapter 5 . 11/20/2014
I have lost all respect for the hyuugaas. I am dying here XD
Favorite line this chapter "we did something right."
andijdc chapter 1 . 11/20/2014
Gosh the whole freaking hyuuga family is terribly ooc and I love every bit of it- this is freaking hilarious
HumAlong chapter 8 . 6/19/2014
Oh my god. So I wanted to save this review for the end of the story but I don't think I can, I have to get this out. This is fantastic. I absolutely love your portrayal of the Hyuuga family, especially Neji and Hanabi with their snide comments and sarcasm. As weird as it may sound, this almost makes them seem like a "normal" family. This story has an amazing and unique plot that you've been able to put together wonderfully, and I congratulate you on that. Can't wait to read the rest of this!
theBITCHhasarrived chapter 12 . 7/20/2013
3 this story was soooo good
a fan chapter 12 . 4/14/2013
Wow there is not so many fanfic as good as this :D I'm so jealous over kanki and hinata's realationship now well more like sunny and puppy's ;) I've continued to read this till the end and couldn't sleep yet. You know this fanfic made me write you a rewiew and you may hear it much from other fans too :) it was a perfect fanfic and I've read every word of it! :) thank you for it you are awesome :)
Zmijajuri chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
"right, Branchy?"
Ohgod I can't stop laughing. Everytime I look up at that, I lose it.
MyDancingZebra chapter 12 . 7/21/2012
happy everyday life chapter 9 . 2/24/2012
I really loved how Neji and Hanabi were competing against each other to get each other killed! I just love this Hyuuga family!

Damn, I don't want to get out of my house to eat dinner with my friends. I want to stay home and keep reading!
happy everyday life chapter 6 . 2/24/2012
Oh my god! This is hilarious! This story is awesome! This story is great! My favorite line this chapter, "He looked like a bishounen's masculine older broher". What an accurate description and he still doesn't realize lol. You made me love Kankurou and Hinata to a whole new level. And did I mention I love Kankurou and Hinata's freaky, creepy personality?

Oh and I just love Hanabi and her cynical point of view! She reminds me of myself in real life! Neji's great too!

Now I'm off to read chapter 7, and I have a feeling I'm going to be late for my promise by reading this and forgetting the time.
g.suke chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
This is funny as hell! I started cracking the mintue Kankuro's dad can't remember his name properly. LOL!
Bleached Poet chapter 7 . 8/24/2010
This is a premature review, but I just had to do it:

"Fair? Your eyes are red! You look like a freakin' Uchiha, please please please,"

Best line I've ever heard in a fic. Thanks for the laugh! Back to the story...
The.Babble.Fish chapter 12 . 6/5/2010
I never thought that I would have to say this, but I think you just made me a Kankuro/Hinata shipper, even though it's a total crack pairing. Excellent story, though.
always-kh chapter 12 . 5/10/2010
haha lolz at this last chapter it fits too and is pretty true. i thought the romance bit was a little rushed on her part but it fits well with the storyline.
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