Reviews for PHOENIX
Smartyul chapter 24 . 4/30
I'm not gonna lie, this story is a bit rough around the edges and cliche. However, due to the nature of the content, it fits that it should be rough around the edges and cliche. While I would have changed some of the things here (mostly the SPaG), I loved the story for its comedic effect (my favourite part was when Naruto placed a genjutsu over the hokage monument to sing for him). Overall, great story. chapter 5 . 4/25
source (not soarce) chapter 5 . 4/25
you've spelled sensei (not sensie) incorrectly with every use of the word
BaddieDZ2 chapter 1 . 4/25
Oh Jesus, is this some shitty, edgelord SI fic? What the fuck is this garbage?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7
You story makes me shiver in excitement, and anticipation as I read it. I read to the end and came back to here to say I'm reading it again. Finally that you for this story I will also be book marking it. Have a fun lovely day.
look2019 chapter 24 . 10/11/2019
I liked the epilogue!
T M C A W chapter 24 . 7/29/2019
this is an amazing story I love the comedy the reference the fact that haku tamari and anko are love interest this storie is definetly going in my fav list
Csw chapter 24 . 7/25/2019
All I can say is the story was excellent and I was laughing my ass off hrough most of story.
omegaderose chapter 20 . 6/25/2019
the dogs name is Pakkun you idiot
Uzukaki chapter 2 . 5/8/2019
Somebody didn't use spellcheck...
lonewolf420 chapter 23 . 3/9/2019
Love the story but a mistake was made in this chapter where you said he has two hands in his mouth instead of what you meant where he has two months in his hands.
Clay Bach chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
i love it! and i have only read 3 paragraphs.
Fanfic9000 chapter 23 . 1/5/2019
Mercy, MERCY, I'm laughing so hard it hurts, hahahahahaha, hell the only way this even got typed was because I hit the speech to text button on my phone. Ninja have a chance to stop gai youth frenzy, and they go crazy on kicking any drunk persons ass, I love this chapter, I only wish there was a video of this
Guest chapter 12 . 1/4/2019
Kakashi graduated the academy and became a Genin at 5 became Chunin at age 6 and Jonin at age 12 Kakashi is four years younger then Obito and Rin they were 16 and both were Chunin.
gabelou1991 chapter 24 . 8/2/2018
J'adore de bout en bout j'aime et en plus c'est plus tôt écris
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