Reviews for How To Be A Gentleman
XXXHazel21XX chapter 5 . 11/18/2017
this is great so far! I really hope you update soon.

mistygarycute chapter 5 . 7/5/2011
I really like the story, it's cute. And I'm sorry about your grandpa...keep writing awesome stories! :D
Raquenzel chapter 5 . 3/22/2011
You... You-you MONSTER! You stop writing at the good part! How dare ye! GUARDS!

*armed men come in and surround me awaiting my first command. "Hold this one hostage; unless it continues writing willingly, then please: use force."*

So, in case that didn't give it away, I like your story.
Raquenzel chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
Great start, one problem:

"Gary, I've told you before, no eating with food in your mouth!" that possible? XD

Yea, no, I like it!
peaches-jpg chapter 5 . 8/9/2010
wtf you got to do the next chapter

im dying to find out plz plz post

it up soon im on my knees plz plz plz

finish love the kiss thing by the way
AlisonTexas chapter 5 . 8/7/2010
i tell ya something, your stories never disapoint!

job well done, wounder whats gunna happen next

sorry to hear about your grandpa- mine is sick too, exept hes in south caralina and thats like a 7 houre drive (i think). ) hope they get better.
Hecateisawesome chapter 5 . 1/5/2010
I like your whole fic and I can't wait to see where you are going. I can't predict what's going to happen next, but that's part of what makes it fun to read. After all if we all new how things would end up from the beggining then it wouldn't be nearly as much fun.


"Like, oh my God, Misty looks like a girl!"
mightyeon chapter 5 . 8/3/2009
Hi I love your story but when are you going to update? GO egoshipping!
ASHGARY chapter 5 . 12/6/2007

finally! a new chapter! awesome as always :)

im sorry to hear about your grandfather, i hope he gets well again. and if he doesnt, im sure he'll watch over you after death. i'll pray a little prayer for him tonight.
LiliNeko chapter 5 . 12/6/2007

Haha damn right GAry's gonna be at Misty's feet! He should be like at her feet since day one of their lesson! Hehehe

Haha, lo0ve the whole Gary having trouble with the tie, as it seems its a big issue for guys in general. And lol at the song and Gary's reaction towards it, "There's like, twenty tracks on the album, and that one plays?" ~hahaha! LOL'd he lost his tie XD

Oh I think this is a lil typo? "Gary looked at Gary suspiciously before sighing." I think it was suppose to be Oak right?

Aww' Gary can't take his eyes off of Misty, kekeke, he ain't the only hott one around XD Lol at Gary's comment about her being a psycho overdramatic bitch, hahaha, I'm surprise Misty didn't slap him for that xD

Love Misty's remark towards Gary about the 'thank you' ...Oopies, Misty's forgot about her manners xD and now she's freaking out, haha...KISS! Yee-ee-ssh! Smooth move on Gary's part on claming her down, kekeke **enter GIGGLE FITS here**

LOL, I just love the semi-drunk scene of the two, especially now there is dancing involved...Ok I don't think Prof. Oak thought it through about giving them alcohol drinks...Haha Gary FAILED at the robot xD Aww' sentimental Gary moment time

Dun-Dun-DUN on Misty when she stepped into the house next to Gary, kekeke OMG I love DRUNK Misty...AHH-HH-HH-HH ! I so didn't see that cliffy coming at all! GAWD, so this is how it feels when I do my cliffies...Great job girl, as it seems I got a taste of my own medicine, lol ;p

Well best wishes for ya grandfather's illness at the moment and hope things will go for the better **HUG**

I love the chappie and good job! This totally made my sleepless day before me going into work! Keep up with the good work and just for the record, UPDATE soon! Lol XD Much love-love and ta-ta for now!

Lili Neko -
Chase Nirvs chapter 5 . 12/6/2007

Another Ego Story!

And I like this one!

And where did Misty go?

Zanzangoose chapter 4 . 8/11/2007
I laughed my goddamn ass off on chapter two, that was seriously funny! All of your chapters were funny, you give them such characteristics that makes them so hilarious - especially Gary. I've never liked anything about Gary anime-wise, but here he makes me laugh.

Way to go! I wanna see the next chapter updated in sept sharpish! It's great

Keep on updating woo
LiliNeko chapter 4 . 8/9/2007

BUW-HAHA-HAHA! I totally got a kick out of Gary's "Dream" Muwhahaha, priceless! Especially with the mumble in the end before fully waking up, kekeke XD

I love the lil chit chat between Misty and Melody and their hours of shopping for a dress ;p ... Gary and Prof. Oak lil' moment was cute too _

BUT I can't wait for ch5 with the Ball, can't wait to see how that's gonna turn out. Something magical is going to happen! I can feel it or at least some dramatic, hehehe. Gotta love all the possibilities that could happen!

Well now that I know where Majorca is in Spain, AWESOME! Have fun! Much love-love and I'll catch ya whenever the next update happens between you and I. Ta-ta for now!

Lili -
ChaseVoid chapter 4 . 8/7/2007
haa..haa.. girl you like totally on fire huh!.. aww too bad that you'll be out.. but hey happy traveling.. I wish I could too.. but oh! well..

Yeah totaly up on the disturbing part since, heh! I for one don't want anyone else in his mind but me.. oO
LiliNeko chapter 3 . 7/18/2007
LMFAO! Buwhahaha ha ha ha ! **enter BREATHER here** I loo-ooved this chapter because of so-oo-oo many things and parts, I'll pin point them out, this is the one that I liked most!

"Wait a minute, did I just get rejected?" ... **enter LAUGHTER here** ... Buwhahaha! Seriously I don't know why I got a kick out of it. Probably because Gary's realization at the first girl that rejected him was 'Amy' ...So could that have been 'you' my friend? **giggles and grins ... starts laughing again** ha ha ha ok and the whole going to Amy's sis' party and being rejected 27 something times was, funny too XD Damn, the party must me popping! Especially not going on a date with Gary XD

"Haha, funny Gramps... It's not my fault I'm so handsome... I just have to remind myself every few minutes... "Heh, more like I've given her another chance" ... OMFG, how cocky can one get? **realizes its Gary and sweatdrop** Lol, I totally got a kick and laugh out of it because it's Gary XD

But the tux shopping, was so great and hilarious! Pink and polka dots! Seriously, I don't even think I've seen a clown in that kind of pattern suit, lol XD ..."Fine then! Just get the cheapest one!" ~~ "Whoa, I'm not wearing NO cheap tuxedo! Gimme the expensive one..." ...Lol! Sad thing is, there are some peeps like that, but it's funny cause it's Gary.

Aww-ww-ww' the end was totally cute, as they had a normal lunch/hang out without telling each other not to mess with each others ...Uh I hope you got that last sentence, cause I think I even got lost myself, haha XD

Geez, I am in such a laughing mood, as this chapter just made my laugher going _ So totally great work on this chap! I can't wait how Gary's going to react when he sees Misty in the oh-so-gorgeous dress that she's gonna pick out for herself. And I can't wait for the date/ball ordeal too. I have a feeling SOMETHING is going doo-oo-wn! Or it just might be and my growling stomach _;;

Oh oh girl! You so-oo-oo gotta check out my DA page, I finally got my "7 Deadly Sins" theme up and done of my Pokey-guys XD GARY TURNED OUT HELLA F-ING HOT ! His sin is LUST, do I need to say more! Lol _ Much love and catch you later! Ta-ta for now!

Lili Neko -
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