Reviews for Shinma
Artemis Fairy chapter 5 . 7/21/2012
I loved every word of this.. Reading this was a joy. Its nice to read fics about Tatsumi and Watari in general, but this one delved (however briefly) into their mortal lives as seen through us fans. I immensely appreciated that. Please continue.
Dalara chapter 5 . 9/5/2008
I didn't go to YnM section for a long time and now that I glanced into it I found this excellent story. I'm really glad! You're shaping it out very well, which isn't all that simple for a detective story. And your characters are good and close to the original ones too. I have some factual notes though:

- in chapter four the Count suddenly turned into the Earl;

- in chapter five it is said: "I haven’t been able to go and get notes on Chihiro’s death." But wasn't that Chie's death, Chihiro being the hotel worker?

- the boy's green eyes in the first chapter were somewhat... distracting;

Well, yes, I am a bit like Tatsumi in some cases :)

I wonder if you chose that room number for them on purpose. 4th floor and 13th room :))

And I absolutely loved the ending of the fifth chapter! That "I’ll pay for it.”

Oh Enma! I’ve drugged him!" is adorable :)

P.S. In some manner I am your namesake since my short real name sounds like Jenya :)
chibi heishi chapter 5 . 8/26/2008
Good chapter. I love that Watari's being all Mr. Secretive, though I do feel a little bad for him. Tatsumi's going to KILL him when he realizes the scientist drugged him.
rowen raven chapter 5 . 8/26/2008
hey its been a while, glad you're back. as always it was real good, i love the unfinished toughts, or rather the unseaid words, between them, it looks like they've hit a dead end, i wondr what will they do, tatsumi seems really relaxed it suits him a lot, he could do with being drugged more offten. and poor watari is getting real depress, maybe many thought him lucky coss he couldn't remember the time the was alive,since he didn't need to duel on his many since and the reasons that lead him to be a shinigami, but i guess his uncertanty of not knowing, what happened back then, of not even knowing himself for sure, its a terrible as any other shinigami having nightmares with their pass. but and angstsy watari is really cool is a noce change for the happy-go-lucky facade, and i loved tatsumi's observation about watari's many levels, and its a bit sad and worrying, that after 30 years of working as a shinigami, no one had really notice the depth of watari's psyche. well up date again soon, ja ne!
chibi heishi chapter 4 . 5/27/2008
Oh, this is looking really promising. I'm afraid I can't think of anything I DON'T like about it, but I DO like that it's well written. There's a smooth-ness to it, a flow that makes it not just possible, but easy to read. I don't have to work to decipher the grammar and spelling, so I can get caught up in the story itself. I will watch out for this one.
jazz daffy chapter 4 . 5/20/2008
I'm really loving this story so far. A few minor punctuation errors were found, but nothing major (probably things only I would notice, being the grammar nazi that I am). I'm getting completely submerged in this plot, and I'm truly hoping to see more soon. Great job, and here's hoping that you keep up the good work!
rowen raven chapter 4 . 5/12/2008
That was unbelivebly interesting, i love the way tatsumi and watari have those mental side conversations, that they know fully well that they are in fact having said conversation but there is no need to utter a word, or acknnwledge it. They know each other so well, but watari is a bit more cunning so, he has the upper hand as slightly as it may be. I also love the watari bashing show, i just can't resist tatsumi when he looses his cool, and screams at watari. I look foward to some more watari bashing, oh and i'm dying to know why watari wanted to have tatsumi place a shadow on him, and why and specific shadow. Poor tatsumi now he has to treaten or bribe the count in to helping, i wonder which one will be, and what info hell get, as well as what will watari be doing in the mean time, and if he'll actually keep that promise. well untill next time, ja ne!
MSYOU chapter 3 . 12/18/2007
I really like the way this stories most of all i love that you have Watari in here as well as Tatsumi. I think you have a pretty good idea when it comes to each characters personality well can't wait to read the next chapter
The Flamer 101 chapter 1 . 12/7/2007
. Hello JeNya, thanks for the PM. Unfortunately, I have not read this manga/anime, but just for you, I have read the first chapter and I have a two minor corrections for you to make, but overall, the story was very detailed and descriptive. Keep in mind that I am usually not extremely picky about such little corrections as these.

On the fourth sentence, fundraisers is spelled with one word not two.

When you changed the setting, you put "At the Ministry of Death, somewhere in Meifu", it would be easier on the reader if you underlined if or something, so it's easier to spot.

You have potential as an author.

Keep on going with your story!

For now, The Flamer 101
rowen raven chapter 3 . 12/1/2007
That was so mean of watari, Tatsumi is trying to be nice, he should've at least told him he had a nightmare, even if he didn't tell him what it was about. Even though watari is right tatsumi doesn't usually open up to people, its kind of usettleting when he does, but still he doesn't have to freak out, and he shouldn't treat it like an experiment, but like a new relation. I agree with tatsumi, watari always listens and helps others with their problems, but he never asks for help in turn, he shoulders his own burdens, almost obsesively, not to let other know or see him struggling, but he is always ready to pry others worries from them with a crowbar if needed, thats kind of unfair. love the way they are taking it slow, descovering little details from each other, taking their time to learn the other man, to appreciate what is so special about him. looking foward to their developing reationship, and to know what makes watari so a nice victim in the demons eye, ja ne.
mirai aria chapter 3 . 12/1/2007
So glad for the new chapter. I love, love, love the exchanges between Tatsumi and Watari - I can't stress enough. I think I said that last time I reviewed? It was also cute when Tatsumi quizzed Watari on how he found out about the rape; good save. Though, I was giggling for a while and thinking about Watari the Telepath a la Schuldig. Anyway, you just paint Tatsumi and Watari in such a way that I squee ~ Thank you for the new chapter, and keep up the good work ~!
mirai aria chapter 2 . 11/8/2007
M. I had a pleasant surprise when I checked the Yami no Matsuei page today: this was it. I'd actually never read this before now, or at least, I don't remember ever coming across it. I'm not surprised though, I rarely paid attention to fics involving Tatsumi /and/ Watari until recently. Anyway~ I love your characterization of Watari and Tatsumi. Both of them are wonderful, and I like how they banter, and have this adorable relationship that doesn't scream "This fanfiction author is hellbent on getting us together romantically!" It's just right. And I'm glad for how you write them.

I was also somewhat curious about whether or not you knew about the places you were writing about upon reading your fic. I admit, I don't usually read authors' notes until after I've read the chapters and... BAM! Living in Japan? Hee. Honestly, for me - I'm not sure about others - it shows how confident you are in what you write.

But anyway, please do write more ~ I'm looking forward to more chapters and I'm sure many are too :)

Oh, and I loved the bit where Watari urges Tatsumi to start naming his shadow-friends~

(Gah. Cannot fangirl enough~)

(And a little nitpicking here; in the second chapter, Watari said he disliked salt water, and I seem to remember him/or Matsushita saying something somewhere about his hair being blond from swimming too much in the sea/ocean. Of course, I could be remembering facts differently and it was, in fact, pool water and chlorine that bleached his hair, but I thought I should bring it up anyway. :) )
Psychodahlia chapter 2 . 11/8/2007
I dub thee awesome incarnate. One minor little nitpick, how did they know the English teacher was raping Yuki? It doesn't seem like she told anybody or there was any evidence of it.

The character interaction here is hilarious and I have no idea how you managed to pack so much plot and development into one chapter. I eagerly await #3.
Trans chapter 2 . 11/6/2007
Hilarious, I must say! Seriously, I love how you captured the character's personalities (dead on), and you gave Watari and Tatsumi their yummy chemistry.

The part where the hotel lady thinks Watari is Tatsumi's wife made me laugh so hard, and the whole conversation after that had me reduced to tears. Comedy at its best.

You set up their working relationship in a very interesting way, and I liked your originality with Tatsumi actually talking to his shadows.

All in all a great story, and I look forward to reading more!
Hazel-Beka chapter 2 . 11/6/2007
Another great chapter! :) You got their personalities down pretty well, in my opinion, which is always a good thing. I liked Watari's line 'was that a flashlight in your pocket or were you just happy to see me?' That made me laugh out loud. Now that you're settled in Japan you'll be able to update quicker, right? I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
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