Reviews for Never Say Never
meatballs in the impala chapter 4 . 7/22/2010
Aw, he drew a picture of her while she was sleeping. :D
uchihacutie chapter 5 . 10/24/2009
That was so sweet...luved iit _
uchihacutie chapter 4 . 10/24/2009
Wow...hiim beiing an artiist fiits hiim _
uchihacutie chapter 2 . 10/24/2009
Poor Reno... _
RenoLuvver chapter 5 . 8/9/2009
Ok, I haven't finished the chapter yet, but I had to pull up the review thingy to let you know how crazy this is. You specified Reno's eyes as being aquamarine in this chapter! ) That is so awesome because I believe very firmly that they are aquamarine and not just blue like most people say. ) I also know this other AMAZING author who says aquamarine too. Her penname is renox. Something like that. She's good. Anyway...I need to finish reading this chapter.

Hah, I love his little mental note about saying "screw you for being right" to Rude later. xD That was a clever way of conveying for sure that he realizes how he feels now. xD

Aw, that story was super cute! I loved it! Amazing job, I will definately read more of your stories in the near future. I'm not sure about tonight's late where I am right now and I should probably go to sleep...not like I will. P Anywho, AMAZING STORY!
RenoLuvver chapter 4 . 8/9/2009
Oh, good chapter! Do I need to say that everytime? We both know it. P I liked the sketchbook thing. I've never read that before and I loved, loved, loved how he drew a picture of her. That was really sweet. And she found it, and ah it was just great. xD I'm so glad I don't have to wait for updates! I just get to read the whole thing through. xD
RenoLuvver chapter 3 . 8/9/2009
Man, this chapter was good! Lots of character development on Elena, and in such a short amount of time. Good rant, by the way. xD Ranting is a little known art form. P You don't see a ton of background on Elena, I myself have failed in that arena. But good job! You rocked it. xD ON TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!
RenoLuvver chapter 2 . 8/9/2009
I like this story a lot so far. xD It's so funny how Reno's in such denial. It's going to hit him one day. P And it will be cute and probably funny. xD Anywho, I love this story! Great job!
RenoLuvver chapter 1 . 8/9/2009
Ah, this is going to be cute. ) I can tell. I'm already enjoying it immensely. Very well written, moves at a good pace. You've got the personalities down excellently as well. Great job! I'm off to read the rest!

I've got a few stories you may want to check out, I'd be flattered if you would. If you get the chance, drop me a review and let me know. xD I've only been writing since early this year, and I'm a new author, so please forgive any sub-par writing. Tips and advice are appreciated! xD Thank you!
HauntedAngel13 chapter 3 . 7/11/2008
*evil laugh* I have red sheets! hahahahaha...this is by far one of the better Relena fanfics lolz...
ClerithRaven chapter 5 . 4/10/2008

aw! the story's so beautifuL! they'r so cute! a Love/hate reLationship, so cute! you're so good, great, and awesome at making stories! the story's so great! you did an amazing job!

i'm a fan of RenoXELena... ehehe...
kauri-blume chapter 3 . 11/30/2007

i luv relena and this was the best yet!

Inactive316 chapter 5 . 11/10/2007
Brilliant story! The whole fighting leading to kissing thing... absolutely amazing. Excellent job here! _
Inifinitely Eternity chapter 5 . 8/22/2007

this is the BESTEST!



captaincreeds chapter 5 . 8/9/2007
Aw... this is so sweet! _ I luv Reno more than ever now!

Crying x x
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