Reviews for We Are Not Alone
AJ Granger chapter 22 . 2/2/2017
Interestingly enough, I like Claire and Peter playing parents to Molly while Matt is recovering. It's a nice touch. Although, I really would like to see them find out they are not actually related.
King of Yawns chapter 66 . 5/29/2016
Damn.i am glad this story is dead,pl never write another chapter again.i a, sick I almost threw up with how Peter acts and made her into spa stupid whore and Peter and a stalker of ruined them
King of Yawns chapter 65 . 5/29/2016
Damn you why can't you just make Peter tell her about the phone call from dr suck
King of Yawns chapter 64 . 5/29/2016
Damn you man I am so glad this story is stupid can Peter do make Peter so stupid for your own enjoyment?
King of Yawns chapter 40 . 5/29/2016
How stupid is Peter really? He should have checked who Jayden just following him and and try reading his mind.
Madje Knotts chapter 66 . 10/12/2015
Are you going to update this? Because I just read all 66 chapters and really want more! Like, desperately! I mean, I shouldn't want a Paire story as badly as I do, but I do! And this is one of the first ones I've found that's well written! Please update! I'd love to keep reading!
Perfect Carnage chapter 2 . 9/9/2015
How modest. Given where Heroes went, its wonderful to see this time capsule of optimism.

LiveLaughLoveAndStayYOU chapter 66 . 12/7/2013
twisted by carrie underwood
feyfollower chapter 66 . 3/8/2013
this has got to be one of the most amazing cliffhangers ever. Will there ever be an end? Please!?
lesmisfanatic chapter 66 . 12/28/2012
oh. my. god. holy... That was honestly one of the most amazing fanfics i have ever read. Seriously. Mind Blown.
You cannot leave it here, I am going to go insane wondering what could happen.
This is really well written, i feel you are able to capture the 'mystery' atmosphere of this story very well and i am also very impressed with how it is all being drawn together. From Molly, Emily, Syler, nightmare man (aka Papa Petrelli), Angela, Jaden, Sasha and of course Claire and Peter. It's all linking together and I can see a sort of end point but at this time it all still seems very up in the air.
I love the way you introduce your OCs, you give them purpose within the story, yet at the same time keep them sorta on the outskirts, which is great because it both encourages and retains the dynamics of the overarching characters. Ohhh, speaking of which Jaden is pissing me off - so well done. To get a reader so worked up over a character is great & means that there is emotional investment in your story. Similarly with Sarah, as much as i was beginning to like her character - she needs to stay the hell away from Peter. He's with Claire - duh.
Along those lines, i was trying to work out how the Peter/Claire relationship is going to end up (because whilst these two have amazing chemistry (which btw you show really well here in their conversations) they are still related - DAMMIT - which is so annoying cause they are so gorgeous together). But i was wondering whether you would play the incestuous angle, but i was hoping you wouldn't so they could have a real happily ever after, they so deserve it.
Anyway, just wanted to write a nice long review because i know everyone loves them & i needed to rant after having read this in one sitting and absolutely loving it & feeling crushed that i would most likely never see the resolution.
But thanks for writing what you did & good luck for any future projects you have.
Lady Isabelle Black chapter 66 . 10/29/2012
will this story ever be update
love this story
jeeperschrist chapter 66 . 10/27/2012
Please update this soon! I loooooove this story!:)
LennonMorrisonMarleyHendrix chapter 66 . 3/20/2012
Ohhhhhhhh please write more!
LennonMorrisonMarleyHendrix chapter 66 . 3/20/2012
Ohhhhhhhh please write more!
Belthezzor chapter 45 . 2/13/2012
Just wanted to come peter didn't pick up Jaden's thoughts at the same time he picked up Claire what Claire was thinking. Peter and Claire must have been close to the door for Jaden to hear them talking, unless they were yelling at each other.
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