Reviews for Caran Amrún: Red Sunrise
Kimi chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
I've only read the first chapter and already I am in love with this story. You do a great job!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/30/2014
Um... I thought Gimli couldn't understand elvish... Just wondering.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/3/2014
can you please write it!
Claudia chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
Love it!
Mikado X Goddess chapter 4 . 10/14/2012
interesting story - i really liked it - its good writing and imagination
Guest chapter 4 . 7/3/2011
:O This... this is amazing!
aoisenshi chapter 4 . 5/12/2011
I loved this. Absolutely beautiful!
Wimsey1 chapter 2 . 10/16/2008
It was actually Elrond's sons Elladan and Elrohir whose mother sailed west after being attacked by Orcs. Legolas' mother is never mentioned. Kind of a major point, but otherwise I am having fun reading
PrincessSYS chapter 2 . 6/16/2008
So Sweet! And Yet so Sad!
PrincessSYS chapter 4 . 8/4/2007

great story! I'm hooked!

Love Gimlis teasing Legolas about Mary!

Miss the Drinking Game between Gimli and Legolas, though!
eiluj chapter 4 . 8/3/2007
So if everything thus far has been movie-verse, why would Mary expect the arrival of the thirty Dúnedain?

And I see you've left Saruman living. Hm...
eiluj chapter 2 . 8/3/2007
Ah! Here's the movie-verse/book-verse speculation. But the plot, so far, seems to be pure movie-verse.

I don't know if I approve of Legolas spouting Quenya...
eiluj chapter 1 . 8/3/2007
Not bad. I don't read too many of these "tourist fantasies" (as Jane Yolen calls them) set in Middle-earth, but this has promise. [But why movie-verse? And if this is at least partly movie-verse, how can Mary be certain what will happen next? And shouldn't she be speculating about the possibilities of movie-verse vs. book-verse for future events?]

I like that Mary isn't immediately swept up into the same route as the rest of the (remaining) Fellowship; I'm not aware of another story that does that.
TheInvincibleKay chapter 4 . 6/24/2007
awsome, i loves it and where did u learn evlish like that? I want to learn but im not sure what to do! I dont know what sites are for real or not. Mind giving me some sites?
FallingInLoveAllOverAgain chapter 4 . 6/12/2007
DUDE! I LOVE it! Hurry up with that sequel. I can't wait until "Red Sunset". ")
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