Reviews for Destiny
gaarasgrl19 chapter 3 . 10/14/2011
you are a really great writer. i wish that you would update more.
GuesssWho chapter 3 . 12/31/2007
I'd think Davy would care more about getting his revenge on the EITC than settling that old debt . . .

Continue, please?
FreakZilla chapter 3 . 7/24/2007
Oh, poor Ethan...
Autobunny chapter 3 . 7/22/2007
#cries# Poor Ethan! #hugs Ethan# I'm so sorry for you! That's gotta suck!

#coughcough# Anyhoo, now that Ethan and Davy Jones are on the same ship, you know what that means! SEXUAL TENSION TIME!
blood-fire-dragon chapter 3 . 7/14/2007
sweet i luved it...creepy ethan, but it works update soon_~
Tsurai Shi chapter 3 . 7/12/2007
Good job once again! Though the present tense and fast pace sometimes make things confusing, this story is also much more interesting than most. I was very happy to see you updated. Jones' reactions and Ethan's overall character are very engaging and make me take care not to skip over anything. (Another rarity.) I look forward to more of this, so please update soon! :)

The Flea chapter 3 . 7/11/2007
thank you for updating! poor sam! great chapter! please update soon!
The Flea chapter 2 . 7/11/2007
this story is very interesting! i have never read one like this before! please update soon!
Key Shinigami chapter 2 . 6/14/2007
Awesome story so far, keep it up. It'll be interesting when Davy Jones and Ethan meet again.
Basia Orci chapter 2 . 6/9/2007
I really like this story. Will Davy Jones show up again soon? He's my favorite character
Autobunny chapter 2 . 6/9/2007
I would've reviewed sooner, but the only internet I've had for a few days was on my PSP. I want to say that I'm not usually one for OC's, especially because some of the stories with OC's in them end up being stupid, but yours has gotten me hooked. Ethan seems like an engaging character, and the facts that a)He gives the heart to Davy Jones, and b)He's a hermaphrodite (I have a fetish for herm-boys) makes yours completely original. I applaude you, and hope you update soon. I love this!
Tsurai Shi chapter 2 . 6/7/2007
This is absolutely fantastic! It's definitely one of the more original stories I've ever read. Looking forward to more, so please update soon!

BlazePheonix chapter 2 . 6/7/2007
Awesome so far, can't wait for more
FreakZilla chapter 2 . 6/6/2007
Ethan is an awesome character, and this is an awesome story _ Update soon!
blood-fire-dragon chapter 2 . 6/6/2007
aw, poor ethan! he doesn't deserve that...but, oh well captain jack sparrow...god, how does ethan know HIM! oh well, anyways update! i really like this story, its awesome_~
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