Reviews for The Forgotten Child
Terra Young chapter 71 . 3/8/2010
GREAT story! I can't wait until the next chapter. Please update soon.
Halkyone chapter 71 . 1/20/2010
I really enjoy reading your story, it's very creative. Please continue writing soon.
Gaia'schild chapter 71 . 8/15/2009
Huzzah! You finally continued the story! I have been waiting for so long for you to write the next chapter that I was beginning to lose hope. You can imagine how cool it was to (finally) check my email on my birthday and see that you had updated! Very awesome birthday present, and you didn't even realize that you gave it to me. Pretty nifty. How long ago did Shannon die in you story? I'm trying to find a frame of reference to where this story starts in the actually series, if that makes any sense to you. Try to update again soon.
Charlotte Temples chapter 71 . 8/2/2009
So so happy to see an update, though I had to go back and read the whole story because I couldn't remember all of the details lol. Please keep writing and don't leave me hanging again!
SarcasticEnigma chapter 71 . 8/1/2009
Marebear here! YOU'RE ALIVE! I'm so freaking happy! Unfortunately, this review is gonna be quick and short because I have to go to work, the necessary evil of life. Anyway, I'm thinking that Sarah is going to be staying on the island, if "This is where I belong" is any indication. I really can't wait for more chapters and I wish I had more to say, but I don't. So happy you're back! Gotta run! UPDATE SOON!
moonlightshade chapter 70 . 7/21/2009
I simply love your story! You had me hooked from the very beginning and now I find myself addicted to more! Read the whole thing in two days almost without a pause. xD

Please continue soon? I will most definitely be waiting for more!
grable42 chapter 70 . 2/2/2009
This is honestly one of the best fanfics I have ever read!

Keep it up :)
Gaia'schild chapter 70 . 12/28/2008
Just one word, wow. I will never watch Lost, to me there are some series that are just better reading fanfics about, so this was like reading a twisting story in which you never knew what was going on. Very Good. However Sarah seems to cry a lot so try to maybe limit the water works, it does get annoying if every chapter she cries at least twice. I enjoyed all the plot twists though the button thing confuses me. If she got it when she was dreaming, how was it in her pocket, and then became a necklace. The idea is very nice though. Sayid and Sarah should have a few more sweet moments, like him carrying her to bed after talking or just watching over her or even having another picnic.I enjoyed Sayid's multiple side like when he tells her to eat then goes to kill people. It makes him very much 3-D. All in all a very good story so would you please write some more. Pretty please with sugar and sprinkles on top with a big cherry atop whipped cream! ~.~
Exarsi chapter 70 . 12/3/2008
*cough* well, I totally missed this chapter when it first came out, haha. I guess I'm a little late...but moving on.

Aww, Sawyer disappoints me. I'd think he'd be the kind of guy who'd be all secretly caring on the inside, and therefore would go after her. Shame on Sawyer. I want to see if you do anything with Mikhail, since he was mentioned in the chapter. Patchy is a beast! He could totally survive! And if not, it's possible that he could make a couple of appearances in spirit, right? Also, now that the new crew has gotten on the island, I can't wait to see how Sarah reacts to the shooting of Alex. That is, if you even make her present for it. And darn. Locke may not be her father anymore. I'm still rooting for Richard, though...!

Mara also means bitter in Hebrew (I think), I'm pre-tay sure. In addition, the supposed roots of the name "Leto" mean hidden or obscure, as well as "Mara". Just a few little fun facts, I s'pose, even though you probably knew the second one.

Great update! (even though I missed it when it was fresh...) I shall try to make an attempt to read the chapters right as you post them. Great writing, per usual!
Charlotte Temples chapter 70 . 10/8/2008
O what a treat! I wasn't expecting an update so soon, but it was so nice to come home from a long day at the theater to find a chapter sitting in my mail box. I absolutely can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon.
Charlotte Temples chapter 69 . 10/8/2008
I just devoured this story over two days and I'm absolutely enamored with it. This is by far my favorite Lost OC-centric story that I've ever read. I can't wait for the next update!
SarcasticEnigma chapter 69 . 10/6/2008
OH MY GOD! There are no words! Is Locke her father or not? This is the exact sort of thing that the show has that annoys me! I don't think Richard would lie, but I don't think Locke would either about something so serious. But, Sarah Leto (Greek mythology name, mother of Apollo and Artemis, and the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe; sorry, big Greek mythology buff). At least now she has a real, full name that she can work with if she DOES get off the island. I'm still torn on that, whether or not I want her to leave. Both senarios spinning around my head are just so exciting. There really are no other words for this for me. I'm just flabbergasted. UPDATE SOON!
Exarsi chapter 69 . 10/6/2008
First off, *hugs* are you alright? Did you get out alright? And are you well-situated now...?

Second - omg Johnny's not really her father? ...I don't believe it. ...well... maybe, but I think he's either lying or maybe her father is really Richard! lmao. And Sayid really left her? Le gasp.

I'd write more, but at the moment I must depart. Thank you for updating! I hope you're alright!
Morrowsong chapter 68 . 10/3/2008
I remember watching that last moment in the series, that was intense. I hope you update again soon.
SarcasticEnigma chapter 68 . 10/3/2008
A long chappie! WHOO-HOO! Long chappies make me happy! (the rhyming here, so not intentional XD)

Okay, I love all the Sayid lovey-dovey-ness. The discreet touching and what not. It's all very wonderful. Just makes me smile! You brought up all the questions that have been running through my mind since we got to this point: What is she gonna say when her name's read from the 815 passenger list? What will she say? Where will she go? What is Sarah gonna do when its time to leave, stay or go?

As for Sarah hearing things, I don't know what to say. Perhaps its just the Island communicating with her or Ghost Charlie. Like I said, I don't know, but I am intrigued so that makes up for the not-knowing. That scene where Hurley kept trying to get everyone's attention, asking about Charlie, it just made me so sad! I cried that whole episode!

Sidenote: Mikhail sucks major butt! When is Patches just gonna die and stay dead?

XD I totally laughed my ass off when Hurley chucked the walkie-talkie! Sawyer just stared at him with that 'wtf?' face and Hurley just walks away. Classic Hurley moment! Also, I love how Locke just shows up at the most random times. You write that side of him very well. Something scary or weird goes down, someone is freaking out, they turn around, and then there's Locke, all calm and chill. It's uber creepy! But hilarious at the same time.

One little mistake: when Sarah was telling Hurley not to go into Jacob's cabin, she said "Don't goin there."

Locke: "If you talk to the island Sarah, then you shouldn't have to ask." Typical cryptic Locke answer! The kind that makes you want to throw something at your TV! And that little smile just makes it so much worse because you know he's holding back! UGH!

UPDATE SOON! And you better update sooner, missy! Or we are gonna have to have a long scolding!
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