Reviews for The Game of Life
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
I liked this very much and I think you should absolutely play super paper Mario! In fact I began to like the game the same way! I hope you get to play it!
Felix The Tuxedo Cat chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Wow, I love it! You got Dimentio's character almost PERFECT! (something I can't even ATTEMPT to do- he always comes out OOC) I also love how you made O' Chunks!

Keep up the great work!

GirlNamedFede chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
Loved it. :D
TyrantChimera chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
You've done well with Dimentio's character in this fic!
Acro111 chapter 1 . 5/6/2010
Two words:
Aw- Some!
Mowo64 chapter 1 . 3/31/2008
"To has always been a game..."

You do not know how truely awesome you are! You pcitured all the characters so well! Love the fic, total awesomeness!

-coming from a fellow Dimentio fan
Polka Pixl chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
XD You made Mimi too funny, I couldn't stop laughing at what she did.

Just kidding, but it still was funny. You never played it, but got all the characters in character just from Wikipedia?

Wow. That's awesome!

~There should be more chapters or something!
DryBonesKing chapter 1 . 3/14/2008
WOAH! Dimentio in almost perfect character? And you hadn't played the game at the time? AWESOME! Dimentio is my favorite villain in the whole Mario Series (right in front of Grodus and Cakletta). There may not be many stories about the demented jester however the few he has are awesome. You captured his personality perfectly. I LOVE IT! Nice job.
Christine chapter 1 . 8/7/2007
For someone who hasn't even played the game at the time, you protray him better than a lot of people I know. Very well done! This story is very nicely written and Dimentio is just excellent. Keep it up!
Morgan 'Shii' Goat chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
This is a pretty nice story you've written, despite not having much information about the game at the time. _~ You actually had Dimentio rather close to his real character (in my opinion, at least).
lunarkweh chapter 1 . 7/3/2007
I love your portrayal of Dimentio. You got his character dead on the money. What a twisted little freakshow...

But we luvs him anyway.

Ciao-I mean... um... Write On!

0-Crimson-0-Nightshade-0 chapter 1 . 6/22/2007
holy crap. for someone who hasn't played the game, for ANYONE in fact, this is SO good! you captured the charaters EXACTLY. wow. just wow. and I heart Dimentio so, FAV!
Dimention chapter 1 . 6/1/2007
Nice. I love Dimentio! The fact that he can be calm and creepingly evil at the same time is awsome. I would've liked to see something about what happened after the final battle, but alas. Good story!

Minstrel of Ages chapter 1 . 5/30/2007
XD! Yay! Dimentio-centered fic! You captured his personality so well. X3 I love Dimentio and his carefree style of villainy.

Nice job. 3