Reviews for An Unhealthy Fixation With Aurors
Guest chapter 24 . 5/9
This is a very well written fic. Your writing style is commendable. This fic has put me on the edge of my seat throught out the story. Although James here is arrogant, manipulative and miserable. Lily had been mamipulative at times too.
Disapointed chapter 19 . 3/5
I realize that you are writing from the point of view of a character and that all stories have a right to be told, but I am very disappointed in this chapter. Many readers of FanFiction are young women who have been told what to do with their bodies their entire life. Women who rely on resources, such as the internet for more information regarding topics that are taboo in their culture. I had my hopes up - that abortion here was a theme that would be discussed as a choice (while Lily could have chosen to not have a child she would have had a calming experience). But then the water turned black - revealing this sweet smelling potion as "evil" or "vile." You are alienating and condemning women who have made the choice to not be mothers. You are telling young girls that one day they might not want to pregnant, but if they choose anything other than life they have chosen the side of evil. This could have been a lovely discussion of the freedom of choice and ultimately choosing what is right for you (without demonizing people who have chosen differently). Instead, you told women who have chosen or might choose to have abortions (regardless of what their reasons may be) that they have done something evil and poisoned their bodies. I am incredibly disappointed.
Guest chapter 24 . 5/12/2019
This was such an entertaining and fun story! And I'm so glad it's complete haha. Though I'm not sure if it's considered M rated, maybe between T and M, but whatever, anyway! I looked through early reviews cause I was curious and couldn't believe that almost noone suspected James to be Evans despite all the hints, some even thought he would be John! That was a funny read lol
CeEeA chapter 17 . 3/6/2019
I'm really sorry to say this but I can't stand James in this fic. He's manipulative and agressive and downright abusive towards her in the present say sections. And in the flashbacks Lily is emotionally manipulative towards her. The fic is very well written and I love your writing style but I personally abhor flashback Lily and present day James and I really don't want them to get together
Bungaroon chapter 24 . 1/31/2019
Wonderfully written, hilarious everything, and an amazing plot. I've read this a fair few times, and I'm sure I'll read it a fair few more. Loved this!
Guest chapter 19 . 10/26/2018
Well hot take James is an utter scumbag in this fic. Clinging, manipulative and the whole getting her failed from the auror academy thing is such a dick move that i would’ve really loved to see her kick him to the curb. \_(ツ)_/
Moon Monkeys chapter 24 . 10/13/2018
I'm so sad this is over, easily one of the best written fics and not generic. I have enjoyed reading this so much, loved the discovery of James being Evans, it made me laugh a lot. Thanks for such an amazing story 3 3 3
Guest chapter 15 . 8/16/2018
I remember reading this story a couple of years ago, but didn't remember why I didn't like it even though it had an interesting plot and was written fairly well. Reading this chapter again made me remember that James was a jackass in this story. Not only was he manipulative, possessive, and sexist at times, but he also didn't give Lily the respect she deserves. Just not my cup of tea.
Emmasnaillll chapter 13 . 8/4/2018
HOW COULD U ? I loved ignis
sambayar chapter 24 . 4/11/2018
A good story:D
Anonymous chapter 24 . 3/29/2018
Love this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Those was sooooo good. I really l’île stories that are after Hogwarts because they change the scene a bit. The way you portrayed Lily, James and Sirius is remarkable. I felt all their emotions while reading this.
Guest chapter 24 . 1/6/2018
THIS IS SO CUTE 100000/10
Lauren chapter 6 . 12/20/2017
Evans is James in disguise I've decided (if this is actually right then I swear that this is as far as I've read). My reasoning: he chose the name Evans because he's in love with Lily, the "long look" in the rearview mirror (if Sirius recognized her of course James is going to recognize her even if the hair color is different), James is "on assignment" so it fits that he's on assignment checking out this Mr. Smith character, this could be nothing but his disguise is grey eyes which he could have got the idea for from Sirius and sandy hair which he could have got from Remus, he gets jealous of Lily and John, AND THE SMIRK JAMES POTTER IS KNOWN FOR HIS SMIRK!

I know this was published over 10 years ago but I want you to know that I am LOVING your story and I wish I had found this sooner because this is definitely a fic that I will read over and over again 3
genevieveyoung chapter 24 . 11/20/2017
I think this is the only Jily fic where I don't want them to be together. What James did was absolutely horrible, and if I were Lily, I don't know if I'd be able to forgive him. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed this fic. Good job!
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