Reviews for Mr Cellophane
snakebun chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
I love this pairing so much! So good!
A fan chapter 1 . 6/8/2008
That was so CUTE! I love it.
jigenslove chapter 1 . 7/2/2007
hey boss, long time no see. love the story esp. "youre going to notice cellophane if it wraps itself around your face, lol. but *gasps in horror* forshame, thought i do like to entertain the thought every now and then myself, lol...
Kenshinb1088 chapter 1 . 6/11/2007
I love it! I hope this reveiw didn't post twice... anyways, I like it alot and I think you really did a good job in foreign area. Good luck as you continue!

-yo bud, Brian
J. Lucy-Daisuke chapter 1 . 6/7/2007
I've gotta say a couple of things here:

1. Reading this made my day

2. I've probably read it a good twelve times afterward

3. I ADORE the last line of this, always brings a smile to my face.

I love the characterization of Jigen especially here; there's a whole depth to him that I don't often see in fanfics, and this came through in simple examples, such as his recollecting of past experiences-I don't think that the story would've been as successfully pulled off if you had decided to do it in third person, so I'm glad you chose Jigen's POV here.

I also liked Jigen's desperation throughout his conversation with Lupin; the fact that he didn't smack Lupin with a lamp, ashtray, or something of the like surprises me, but him merely storming off is indeed true to character.

Lupin was in character as well; he still had the same playfulness and the cluelessness which makes him so endearing.

Overall, VERY well-written fic, proves that you don't necessarily need to make it an R-rated jaunt to make a good slash fic, and you don't need anything the length of a Tolstoy novel to make a meaningful story. Very good job-Gracias for your wonderful fic, would love to see more like these from you!

-J. Lucy-Daisuke
Hatred Behind a Mask chapter 1 . 5/31/2007
I've never seen an LJ pairing before...let alone many stories about Jigen period, but this one is very well written. Jigen is my all time fav character, but there aren't NEARLY CLOSE to enough stories about him! Very good. I hope to see more work from you!
Sora-M-Jigen chapter 1 . 5/23/2007
For a first time LJ this is great! I love it! I really hope you do more slash. Especially LJ, you do excellent work with them. Keep it up! :D