Reviews for romantic harlot
bluerozelovetruth chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
xX Broken Dreams Xx chapter 1 . 12/25/2008
I like it's very good
poppypants chapter 1 . 12/25/2008
Nite, maybe Sango doesnt get the men falling for her that much since she doesnt want it...?

She can be a bit bitchy on the subject.

Therefore, Kagome who is the sweet, kind and innocent girl basically gets all the attention.
SnowLion no Miko chapter 1 . 10/31/2008
Oh. My. God.

I am truly in awe of this fic. It is so beautifully written and so angsty and wonderful's just amazing!

I adore your descriptions of things, such as Sango's lack of confidence and comparing herself to Kagome, and Kagome's seemingly ever-present smiling nature. It was a heartwrenching thing to read, about Kagome breaking like a porcelain doll, but you wrote it so skillfully... I am envious of what you have written. It is SO good.

Anyway, I hope to read more from you! Keep up the amazing work! _
SorainaSkye chapter 1 . 9/7/2008
Oh. My. Freakin. GOD.

This is amazing! Seriously! Beautiful, made me tear up. Describes both Sango and Kagome's characters so how she kept smiling anyway.
With A Smile chapter 1 . 6/30/2008

This is fucking BEAUTIFUL.


I'm just blown away.

Like... your descriptions, the whole deal with "cracking", Sango's jealousy, Kagome's emotions... all incredibly on point and written stunningly to boot.

You really are a vision of a writer, Secret.

You make writing so beautifully look effortless. WOW. I'm stunned with this fic.

(By the way... InuKag all the way xD)

Mucho amor,

Nite1 chapter 1 . 9/25/2007
I think this story is beautiful! I think this truly describes the real Kagome's and Sango's feelings. Sanogo is always protrayed as supporting character, the best friend/sister to Kagome. While watching as all the men fall over backward trying to impress Kagome. I would feel jealous... I mean like the Sango in this story but I would feel bad for every second I would spend in jealousy. After all its never easy watching as someone bares a spot light you wished you had...
InuSmil3z chapter 1 . 7/31/2007
omg this story makes me want to cry, it's so beautiful, so sad at the ending, but it's amazing, well written, i'm speechless like really, i love these kinds of stories!

Great job beautiful!
of wonderlands and alices chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
ohman (-slaps self-), and you were praising ME? i wish i could write like this, wow; it really is mature and so...delicate and graceful, the way the words and sentences just flow. flow, for real. i mean, it's beautiful. and i'm not talking about the situation or the plot but the story-the whole and complete story. the writing.

ACK! awesomeness.

[“I can share,” she says, and her voice is quiet and sad and ever so resolute and it makes Sango want to fucking vomit and shake the girl by her shoulders until they are both screaming. But she’s dead! And you're alive! How can you settle for being second best?] this line hit me really hard. i've always thought kagome was stupid for giving in, for making due, for...for accepting-being happy with only half.

i have a friend like that. sometimes, i want to slap her and tell her it's not right because she's pretty and nice like kagome, and i want to say, "you deserve the world and nothing less." but they never listen to me, so i don't say anything. i dunno, i can relate to sango. i guess that's why this fic was especially powerful for me.

y'know, i can't help wondering who's right, sango or kagome? is sango right for taking no b.s. and accepting only all for her all? or is kagome right for knowing the world isn't allthatnice and making the most of what she's given? or are they both their own right? (i think i'm thinking too much...damn you! X_x) lol. well, nicely done. (:
Geraldine Hake chapter 1 . 5/21/2007
This story is breathtaking, and it makes me want to go and shred my writings and coat them in stolen descriptions from your stories. I am so very very impressed by this, and I can't believe I missed it somehow when I was looking over your selection. Sango's thoughts are beautiful (even the dark ones) and the descriptions of her emotions are just so (where do you find the inspirations?). I will favorite this, because you've put such an impression on me, and now I feel I must go write! And see what I can come up with. Thanks, great great job.
Jasmine chapter 1 . 5/17/2007
This is just.. wow. It's so mature and so descriptive.. It's these kinds of stories with their own twist, plot and even individual writing styles that make me really open my eyes to how much talent there is in the world.

(A little offtrack but) I've been told that I'm smart; I can go places with writing or math. But then it's like, I'm not as good as a lot of people out there and anyone thinking that I'm a better writer is kind of retarded. If I'm 'better' than a friend and you're better than me (which is most definitely, positively TRUE) then I'd much rather have you recognized as the best, not me being the best with someone better haha.

This is so amazing that I can't even say how intellectual it makes me want to be or what a good thesaurus I'd need to tell you! Please, keep going, because this is one of the truly blossoming kinds of writing that I wish that there were more of. I'm actually being quite sincere here. Your writing is excellent; I'd love to see more.


(P.S: I thought you may have been in university with your maturity as an author.)

(P.P.S: This is actually how my best friend makes me feel sometimes. She's soo.. saintly with her bigbig heart and her perfectperfect porcelain skin. And I'm so not. I'm tan, blunt, selfish and petty, and realizing this while next to the most congenial (Word?) person I know really.. Sucks. I overthink too but these stories make me feel like maybe it's okay to feel a little like it if you can't help it. Being like a petty, somewhat selfish Sango makes me feel better though :) Thanks!)
CappuccinoLover chapter 1 . 5/15/2007
wow that was a good story my brother was bothering me while reading it but i didn't even pay atteniton to him because of how interesting and great the story was