Reviews for Of Gods, Questions And Headaches
Yuki Sakura-chan chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
LonelyHeart101 chapter 1 . 3/1/2008
Loved it! - you have Jess' character down to perfection
PaddyWaddy chapter 1 . 2/26/2008
Holy god Yes Milo shirtless is always something to pay attention to! Even though I despise Fergie, and I hate the fact that she sings such a beautiful song, I can't stop myself from watching the videoclip-purely because he's in it-mostly without a shirt, too.

He looks hot..

anyway, Ilove love love love your story
Lily1986 chapter 1 . 11/18/2007
How fluffy! Super cute though! Reading stuff like this makes me wanna track down Amy and ask her what the heck she was thinking when she wrapped up season 6.. ] I mean I love Heroes.. but Milo could of done both.. he's a great multi tasker!
udon'tknowmebutiknowme chapter 1 . 8/29/2007
oh! that's so cute! i LOVE it!
iLoveTelevision chapter 1 . 8/1/2007
that was really smart of Rory, i could totally see Rory doing that to Jess! i love them together, greaat story. keep on writing these Lit fics please
marrymemilo chapter 1 . 7/25/2007

It is so cute, and you know what, I can hear him saying these things. I can see those tangents rubbing off on him. And doing that to him because she knows he'll only answer her for real right's perfect and oh-so Rory Gilmore.

Okay, let's begin the quoting (I do WAY too much of it lol)-

"He wanted to go and get his suit and walk into the inn with the most calm and serene expression on his face as though getting married was an everyday occurrence. And he wanted to know that Rory Gilmore (soon to be Mariano – ok he got way too much of a kick thinking about that) would do the exact same thing. He wanted to smile a wistful smile while doing up his cufflinks, thinking of how Lorelai was probably crying and ranting about the time she called Rory “Droopy Drawers” and lane was squealing and jumping while fixing the veil. He would smirk at the thought of Paris dressed in the turquoise custom-made bride’s maids dresses (that Lorelai had slaved over) calling him a Neanderthal, seemingly insulting Rory for her choice in men but secretly giving her sign of approval to the whole affair.

But Rory would just smile. The same smile he had on his face. And she would think the same thought but in reverse… Luke bumbling his way through but never prouder. TJ and his inappropriate yet loveable remarks and Zach… well Zach was married to Lane after all…"

So cute! And so believable that that. I love the picture of him getting ready for the wedding...that is the BEST mental image EVER.

I adore the panicky tone, like he's pacing and desperately trying to come up with something to say. Favorite part...

"Ok deep breaths. Why he loves her… Three time New York Times Best Seller List occupant and words were utterly failing him! Oh Dan Brown would love this story at the next writer’s convention. Time for never before seen strategies, not thinking before talking… great now he was Lorelai."

His stream of consciousness is just so fervent and the context you put it in proves that he really is in love with Rory and it's just...too adorable.

I LOVE it.

Keep writing! I want to see what else you've got ).
helaluvE chapter 1 . 5/11/2007
i absolutly loved this one shot! seriously, it was great! funny, sweet and Jess was not that OOC, really he was immensely adorable, in that Jess way that i love so much! you did good :)

btw, i really can't wait to see Fergie's video. the ponyttail is... yummy and Milo, as always is outrageously sexy! tattoos... God, he wants the death of me lol.

anyway, you should definitely write more often :)
Aquarius Angel chapter 1 . 5/9/2007
Good job at capturing Jess, though i think he would of made more book references than board games. But the games worked too! It was nice way to keep me distracted from studing!
Imy94 chapter 1 . 5/8/2007
awesome story and I'm totally psyched! the ponytail is a little wierd and will take some time to get used to but I can't wait!

great story I hope to see more of you stories!

aw he loves her!
Britterina chapter 1 . 5/8/2007
I liked it, it's very good (especially for a first fic!)

Look forward to reading more stuff by you :)
Just A Girl Of The Hollow x3 chapter 1 . 5/7/2007
Aw,s o cute! Loved it!
Asparagales chapter 1 . 5/7/2007
Ahodyuinsentaim chapter 1 . 5/7/2007
that was really great, although i would have loved to see the wedding, and luke or lorelai physically holding back emily at the 'if anyone here has any objections' part. :)