Reviews for Sparkly Donut Holes
Anntillenfisch chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
This is awesome. Really. I rarely laughed that much because of a fanfiction. It is a really, really great story.
Thank you for this masterpiece 3

(Sorry that my English isn't that good, I'm German and I'm still learning...)
Peridot5 chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
I think this may be the funniest thing I've ever read in my life. Oh, man! I feel a bit delirious. Oxygen deprivation from laughing probably. Poor Sam in the backseat, lol. Actually just everything, lol. (Like I said, delirious.)
OccasionallyBreathtaking chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
You're brilliant. Also a bit nutty, but I expect you already knew that?
Jedi Arwen Sparrow Winchester chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
Wow...what the hell lol?

A garbage bin give birth to Mary Sue? Now I've seen everything.

Lol the demon, poor little thing gets melted when it should've got exorcised, shot, stabbed, wtv. :)

Hahaha she's their sister and she's fifteen...a likely story LMAO

This is really silly and funny, Mary Sue is just horrible lol.

Good job!
jennie chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
thank you i needed a laugh your hilarius
LyraSilvertongue07 chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
haaaa this made me laugh so hard
Thriving Willow chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
This was wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong. I shouldn't be laughing so hard I'm crying...WRONG. Ah, who am I kidding. This is the bestest think evarrrrr! Like, for serious.
Lady Aescwyn chapter 1 . 5/7/2010
It gives meaning to each moment, it's what are hearts are all made of! You've got to believe in the power of love!

*is shot by Dean*

Utterly hilarious... I loved it! All the references were great, especially the Princess Bride, Sailor Moon, and Pinky and the Brain bits. I think I still have that Sailor Moon movie on VHS somewhere. *fail*
abbycadabby23 chapter 1 . 3/31/2010
haha AWESOME - "Hello. My name is Alisha Zephyr Almira River Quilla Skylark McSparkly, nee Winchester. You killed my mother and father. Prepare to die." Mary Sue said, adopting a rather Spanish accent. The demon squealed again. "Not you! OH NOES!" - Like pee your pants funny! great Job

-abby claire

ps love the princess bride :)
AmyNY chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
That was hilarious! I loved the Pinky and the Brain reference in the of my fav cartoons back in the day :
PrincessB494 chapter 1 . 2/12/2009
Wow, this is great. When I saw the summary and I clocked her name I thought you were being serious, then I noticed the Mary-Sue part and was like thank god, lol. The major Mary-Sue thing that annoys me goes something like this 'Okay, so I'm usually a tomboy, but I just moved here and my new friends, who I've only known for, like, five minutes have managed to get me into this super short shirt, super low cut top and super high heels that I can somehow walk in, and made me look like a complete tramp...I've never noticed how pretty I am before...'

Woah, that was a long rant, sorry about that. In summary, I loved it ;D
kelliekid chapter 1 . 5/16/2008
ok that was freaky but funny & good
Shaitanah chapter 1 . 5/4/2008
ROFLMAO! This is genius! _ And hilarious! And just very-very cool!
Tahra chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
LMAO. What a scream! And how true of many many many sis fics I've seen out there, lol.

Missing Whisper chapter 1 . 9/23/2007
OMG *holds sides* I'm in stitches here! Loved it with a capital L.

Death to the Mary Sues of the fanfic world! Is it wrong that I had an imagine of the actress who plays Claire from Heroes in my head the whole way through this? xD

"Hello. My name is Alisha Zephyr Almira River Quilla Skylark McSparkly, nee Winchester. You killed my mother and father. Prepare to die." Mary Sue said, adopting a rather Spanish accent.

Ah! The Princess Bride! Such a cool film - love that scene.

Also totally in love and in stitches at the Pinky and The Brain ending xD
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