Reviews for Hospital Walls and Happiness
number1sasunarufan chapter 2 . 8/18/2008
it was a good ending and i really liked it.
SiriusScruffy chapter 2 . 8/19/2007
Aww! That was very cute. I liked how Freddy proposed after a gig.

kawaiichiisaikitsune chapter 2 . 7/30/2007
Awh. Cute story, made me coo. :D Wonderful job, if I may say so.

But, if I could be so obliged, would you take two simple requests from yours truly? They could easily fit into one, long chapter if you decide to go about it like that. But, honestly and truly, I wish to see their argument, the entire thing, how it happened instead of just those two lines. They may have been the climax, but I want to know what the rising action was. Also, if it would be possible, could you write a version of this story wherein Zack dies? He can die in the hospital, or when Freddy comes in to "save" him, I just want to see that type of ending.

If you could do that, I would surely review it and dump millions of praise-liquid onto you. :D But if not, it's all good and I still enjoyed this story very much.

Great job, once again.

Love, Dana-chan.

[Oh. And thanks for your wonderful reviews to my own stories. They lit up my spark-less face. XD]
Freedom's Call chapter 2 . 6/10/2007
Aw... Sweet. :)
novicewriter chapter 2 . 5/19/2007
PolkadotSunstar chapter 2 . 4/29/2007
Ah, I'm so glad you added more to this! I loved it. ] I'm glad everyone accepted them, especially their parents. It was so cute when Freddy asked Zack to marry him. ] This was great, good job!

-Sunstar D
Zok.Zok.Abbey chapter 2 . 4/29/2007
AWE! Yay! Your my favorite personator ever for doing this x] Yep, I could see Freddy proprosing like this. x]
Zok.Zok.Abbey chapter 1 . 4/28/2007
AWE! I'm your new biggest fan x] Can I get your autograph before you because a famous writer? P Hmm, what bewilders me is, I wonder how Freddy Jones would go about proposing to someone like Zack. Hah. I may never know. UNLESS YOUR UBER RAD AND MAKE A ONESHOT ABOUT FREDDY PROPOSING TO ZACK! hah, sorry for the caps lock there. Im done now. Later.

PolkadotSunstar chapter 1 . 4/27/2007
Aw, that was sweet! I really liked it! I love how you porttrayed Freddy here, he was so sweet. ]

-Sunstar D