Reviews for Fear itself
Dalhatu chapter 14 . 5/15
This fan fiction is so interesting
Pls finish it
Guest chapter 14 . 11/13/2012
This is incredably good! Well done!
Mystearical chapter 6 . 9/4/2012
"Raven…Can you here me?"

Every time you mean to put "hear" you instead have "here". When asking someone if they can make out a sound, the word is "hear". "Here" refers to a place.
Mystearical chapter 5 . 8/4/2012
Rather enjoying this story, but I feel the need to mention a few things that have been bugging me. Luckily, all of them revolve around the same basic concept, so this shouldn't take too terribly long.

The application of Raven's powers you've been using thusfar is what's bugging me, really. Thing is, she's Empathic and Telepathic, as well as being a sorceress, but just as importantly she's Telekinetic; she can manipulate objects with her mind. My issue with this is that she's the absolute worst enemy for any foe that happens to be using a projectile-based weapon, simply because she can affect the flight path of a projectile such that any and all accuracy is rendered completely moot. In other words, an object has to be moving faster than she can *think* in order for it to catch her off-guard.

Don't me wrong-I wouldn't expect you to use her as a Deus Ex Machina, stopping any and all bullets before they can reach their target. That would be more than a little ridiculous. Two instances in particular, however, were unbelievable to the point where it managed to break my immersion-those instances being when Robin was shot while in Titan's Tower and when the T-Ship was being bombarded by rockets.

The first instance here can be hand-waved as a necessary intervention of plot-perhaps say that Raven was shocked or distracted such that she couldn't drop a mental wall between Robin and his assailant. The T-Ship bombardment, however, cannot be brushed aside as easily as all that, because there's really no excuse for her doing nothing in that situation. In that position it would have taken the merest expenditure of will to nudge those rockets off-course enough to miss the T-Ship completely, with no acrobatic shenanigans required.
Mystearical chapter 2 . 8/4/2012
"Man this is really starting to eat at me."

-I see what you did, there.
Cunningham020848 chapter 14 . 7/26/2012
too lazy to log in :P when i saw this in my email i was like WHAT IT IT WAS UPDATED? YYAYAYAYAYYAA and then I sarted reading and now here i am typing on a computer about how awesome your story is :) aannnyyywwwaaaayyyss this deserves cookies *hands a cookie*
VFSNAKE chapter 14 . 7/26/2012
Yay! Raven has some competition over robin. Nice! Keep going.
chicogamer17 chapter 8 . 10/31/2011
Amazing story
DanielCrayon chapter 4 . 9/17/2011
I think this is my favorite chapter though it is all quite amazing. :)
DanielCrayon chapter 13 . 9/16/2011
O.O normally I don't like horror stories but this is really good! please continue!
craizypet chapter 13 . 7/18/2011
wow, going dark here... going veery dark. liking it! keep it up!
it doesn't matter chapter 4 . 7/4/2011
What does F.E.A.R stand for? :(
it doesn't matter chapter 3 . 7/4/2011
Awes-mazing (awesome and amazing)story!

I ended up liking the part when Robin got shot and the four titans rush to him...well I like the ending of your chapter! :D
Izumihimechan chapter 13 . 7/3/2011
BATMAN KICK! Lol I'm so glad that he kicked Fettel in the face! And yay for Robin shooting him! They just need to STOP letting Alma have babies...her mothering skills are just not there. Great chapter! Write more soon!
VFSNAKE chapter 13 . 7/3/2011
YAY! You updated. Love it. Keep going.
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