Reviews for Emerald & Kitsune
shthar chapter 8 . 7/25
I can't see Japan just letting them go, there's more than one secret ninja school. And now they can make clones with pre-recorded skills? I'm sure THAT won't get out of hand.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/14
I absolutely love this fic and all the different angles it could be taken I truly hope that this story is continuing in the near future I would like to see emerald and kitsune find a way to free their daughters and maybe have Ron and your join them
willam and jack and jake chapter 8 . 1/4/2019
love it it well done
willam and jack and jake chapter 7 . 1/4/2019
well done
willam and jack and jake chapter 6 . 1/4/2019
nice very well done
willam and jack and jake chapter 5 . 1/4/2019
very interesting
willam and jack and jake chapter 4 . 1/4/2019
nice love it
willam and jack and jake chapter 3 . 1/3/2019
nice very nice
willam and jack and jake chapter 2 . 1/3/2019
willam and jack and jake chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
nice saw this on Many Possible Worlds by blackheart0009 and wanted to read the rest.
KimPossiblefanboy818 chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
okay the guest commenting bellow is IDIOTIC first if people stole nearly all of the crown jewels OF COURSE they would be public enemy #1 second, THE DAUGHTERS ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE TRUE ANTAGONISTS! OMG THIS GUYS IS STUPID! Great fic btw any chance of a sequel still?
Rebmul chapter 8 . 2/28/2018
shame we will never get a sequel
SomeRandomDude chapter 8 . 1/27/2018
Man, this fic is pretty great. The only downside is that it sets up Kim and Shego (along with the help of Wade) being nigh unstoppable in this part of the "series." That's unfortunate only because it hasn't been continued so we don't get to see our thieves face any truly daunting challenges. I'd also be interested to see exactly which path Kim and Shegos "daughters" take when they eventually aren't under the thumb of B class villains anymore.

Regardless, as a standalone piece this was a really nice take on an "evil" Kim. It's how I imagine Kim really would be if she were to go bad, she'd still hold her core values, but she's not out the be the known Hero anymore. Hell, with Kim this way, I'd imagine if there were a threat to global security she'd have Shego and Wade help stop whoever was responsible assuming GJ and the other teams couldn't handle the situation themselves. Just because she's a thief doesn't mean she'd want all life on Earth to go extinct or be enslaved or something.

TL;DR Great fic, but needs a sequel to really feel complete.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/20/2017
The "daughters" are terrible antagonists. I think you could have come up with something better than these two.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/20/2017
Really? Flames for Diego's suit? Could it be any more gayyyyy?!
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