Reviews for My SoCalled Afterlife
FollowTheReaper01 chapter 11 . 6/2/2016
I knew that was Dean too! I'm on a roll! Very realistic with the puppy. I got one a month ago named Baymax. The whining I'm telling ya
FollowTheReaper01 chapter 10 . 6/2/2016
I knew that was Shawn! I knew! I knew it! I KNEW IIITTTT! Yes! Haha! I was thinking the whole time it was Shawn Spencer. Why not go all the way and have it actually be him? Great story!
Kittah chapter 22 . 8/21/2013
I just re-read this whole fic. This series is one of my absolute favourite stories. The characterization is spot-on and you write everyone's quirks so well. Perry's rants are great, JD's nerdiness, every single side character. I love the plot and the way you pace everything, I love Dr. Cox's transition into a reaper, I love how they interact and the fight on the roof was one of my favourite scenes. I know you haven't updated the series in some time so I can only assume that it is discontinued. Even so, thank you so much for writing this piece and sharing the story. I loved reading it. :)
Knight Guard chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
aww whyyed you have to kill ted i liked ted alot
The Quirkyquizler femme chapter 22 . 9/20/2011
outraged screaming is suddenly heard, a LIVID red headed woman suddenly stomps up to JD and cox/'chris' before nails on right hand turned to gold claws, slashing him cross the face and screeching- YA IDIOT! WHY DID YA PROVOKE THA BA****D! HE'S A FRAGGING LAB ASSISTANT THAT SPECIALIZES IN Y. PETRIS (sp?) FOR CRIPES SAKE! AS IN THE VERY BACTRIA THAT'S CAUSED THE BLASTED PLAGUE! A FEW NEW YEARS AGO, HE SAID HE'D DO *ANYTHING* FOR AN EPIDEMIC! WHICH INCLUDED * CAUSING* SAID EPIDEMIC! HE HAS A SAMPLE OF THE FREAKING MUTATED BACTERIA AND HAS FOR *YEARS*!

-calms down and nails return to normal, as slash marks heal up- ..sorry bout that...been stuck in bed at home coz of my bad knee acting up along with my ankle and i was restless while reading this chappie...had to release tension and using authoress slash reader/reviewer powers and breaking the 4th wall and cussing ya out seemed like the best the way the last comment ya made bout the tombstone...seeing as that's wat dan said ta ya and all..even funnier when Percy said word for word wat ya did too!

(heh, like i said..been restless and had to release some steam...*LOVE* the series so far! been reading them back to back solidly since last night around 11!
hisokauzumaki chapter 10 . 12/27/2009
I've been to Bugabo Creek before. I've only been there a few times due to visiting someone in the area, I live clear across the country.
Neversaid-I-Madesense chapter 16 . 6/8/2009
JOHN MCGINLEY LOL XD That's his actor's name! But of course, you already knew that xD God, I love this fic.
andaere chapter 22 . 5/1/2009
Hey. This is a GREAT 'fic, seriously. It's original and intersting and emmotional and mysterious and suspenseful and all that good stuff. I LOVE the plot idea. I've never seen Dead Like Me, so I was a bit wary about reading this. I read the Wikipedia article about it but it turns out I didn't have to - you explain everything very well. :) I was so sad when Perry died but I'm really glad that you decided to have him become a reaper. I love the idea of the protege becoming the mentor. Plus, JD and Perry make a good team. ;)

I love JD's history; the fact that he's over a hundred years old is very interesting. If I were (was?) Perry I would constantly be asking JD about the Civil War and stuff. (Wait, that's before the 1900s... I need to get my history straight.) It was also really cool to see macho!angry!JD and in!emotional!pain!Cox and JD.

Overall, great, unique 'fic, and thanks so much for writing!
Vandenberg chapter 22 . 3/7/2009
Great job. Short review because i haven't gotten my daily intake of sugar yet.

-Sked-san-san. Damn you, Steve!
FriggyEsquire chapter 22 . 2/15/2009
Die Steve! Die! :D I can't believe that! I didn't see it coming at all! I think this is a great story. I love that you were able to capture both JD and Cox's personalities so well, and it made the story all the better. I'm going to read the next instalment :D
Lauren chapter 10 . 2/14/2009
Wait, wait! I get the "Psych" reference! Shawn five! *snap*
Lauren chapter 8 . 2/14/2009
Okay, so I wasn't going to write a review, seeing as this fic is finished and you have sequels out, but this chapter just inspired me! The fight scene was, in a word, AMAZING-I love it when JD gets mean! The "bi-otch" comment was great. I also loved the end to this chapter. What a great cliffhanger! Your writing is so captivating; I was totally into the story even though I'd never seen "Dead Like Me" before. (By the way, you have inspired me to start watching it. It's my new favorite show!) Thank you so much for writing this!
loscar chapter 3 . 7/7/2008

I love it! its hilarious and sad at the same time. poor ted! evil castello!

My nomination for the best sentence ever written in a fanfiction (sorry spoiler): "We've tried shooting it, stabbing it, poisoning it, electrocuting it, burning it, and suffocating it, but still we've yet to figure out how to rid the world of death."


what an irony...

so.. reading on here

Jake Caldefore chapter 15 . 6/27/2008
Hey there. Awesome story! Anyways, I think I've caught a mistake. Not a major one, but you forgot the disclaimer for Charmed.

Well, that's it! I really enjoyed this story and hope to read more from you!

Keep writing,

darkelf1600 chapter 22 . 6/21/2008
Good Story. I was actually surprised when Dr. Cox died and replaced Dan (who I'll miss btw). I'm interested to see how his place (and job) in the afterlife will turn out.

I felt really bad for JD when all his papers, pictures and stuff were destroyed. I really wanted to hug him! Hopefully it will end up being some form of closure.

Overall this was well done and I'm glad I found it. Now, I'm off to read another of your stories (I'm so glad you are doing multiples!)

amd what's with the gun in JD's locker. Was the Janiter lying or what? If not then where the hell did it come from?
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